// Implementation of float:left with fix for the // [double-margin bug in IE5/6](http://www.positioniseverything.net/explorer/doubled-margin.html) @mixin float-left { @include float(left); } // Implementation of float:right with fix for the // [double-margin bug in IE5/6](http://www.positioniseverything.net/explorer/doubled-margin.html) @mixin float-right { @include float(right); } // Direction independent float mixin that fixes the // [double-margin bug in IE5/6](http://www.positioniseverything.net/explorer/doubled-margin.html) @mixin float($side: left) { display: inline; float: unquote($side); } // Resets floated elements back to their default of `float: none` and defaults // to `display: block` unless you pass `inline` as an argument // // Usage Example: // // body.homepage // #footer li // +float-left // body.signup // #footer li // +reset-float @mixin reset-float($display: block) { float: none; display: $display; }