// Indicates the direction you prefer to move your text // when hiding it. // // `left` is more robust, especially in older browsers. // `right` seems have better runtime performance. $hide-text-direction: left !default; // Hides html text and replaces it with an image. // If you use this on an inline element, you will need to change the display to block or inline-block. // Also, if the size of the image differs significantly from the font size, you'll need to set the width and/or height. // // Parameters: // // * `img` -- the relative path from the project image directory to the image, or a url literal. // * `x` -- the x position of the background image. // * `y` -- the y position of the background image. @mixin replace-text($img, $x: 50%, $y: 50%) { @include hide-text; background: { @if is-url($img) { image: url($img); } @else { image: image-url($img); } repeat: no-repeat; position: $x $y; }; } // Like the `replace-text` mixin, but also sets the width // and height of the element according the dimensions of the image. // // If you set `$inline` to true, then an inline image (data uri) will be used. @mixin replace-text-with-dimensions($img, $x: 50%, $y: 50%, $inline: false) { @include replace-text(if($inline, inline-image($img), $img), $x, $y); width: image-width($img); height: image-height($img); } // Hides text in an element so you can see the background. // // The direction indicates how the text should be moved out of view. // // See `$hide-text-direction` for more information and to set this globally // for your application. @mixin hide-text($direction: $hide-text-direction) { @if $direction == left { $approximate-em-value: 12px; $wider-than-any-screen: -9999; text-indent: $wider-than-any-screen * $approximate-em-value; overflow: hidden; text-align: left; } @else { // slightly wider than the box prevents issues with inline-block elements text-indent: 110%; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; } } // Hides text in an element by squishing the text into oblivion. // Use this if you need to hide text contained in an inline element // but still have it read by a screen reader. @mixin squish-text { font: 0/0 serif; text-shadow: none; color: transparent; }