@import "../css3/images"; @import "../css3/background-size"; // Set the color of your columns $grid-background-column-color : rgba(100, 100, 225, 0.25) !default; // Set the color of your gutters $grid-background-gutter-color : rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) !default; // Set the total number of columns in your grid $grid-background-total-columns : 24 !default; // Set the width of your columns $grid-background-column-width : 30px !default; // Set the width of your gutters $grid-background-gutter-width : 10px !default; // Set the offset, if your columns are padded in from the container edge $grid-background-offset : 0px !default; // Set the color of your baseline $grid-background-baseline-color : rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) !default; // Set the height of your baseline grid $grid-background-baseline-height : 1.5em !default; // toggle your columns grids on and off $show-column-grid-backgrounds : true !default; // toggle your vertical grids on and off $show-baseline-grid-backgrounds : true !default; // toggle all your grids on and off $show-grid-backgrounds : true !default; // optionally force your grid-image to remain fluid // no matter what units you used to declared your grid. $grid-background-force-fluid : false !default; // Create the gradient needed for baseline grids @function get-baseline-gradient( $color : $grid-background-baseline-color ) { $gradient: linear-gradient(bottom, $color 5%, rgba($color,0) 5%); @return $gradient; } // Create the color-stops needed for horizontal grids @function build-grid-background( $total : $grid-background-total-columns, $column : $grid-background-column-width, $gutter : $grid-background-gutter-width, $offset : $grid-background-offset, $column-color : $grid-background-column-color, $gutter-color : $grid-background-gutter-color ) { $grid: compact(); $grid: append($grid, $gutter-color $offset, comma); @for $i from 0 to $total { // $a represents the start of this column, initially equal to the offset $a: $offset; @if $i > 0 { $a: $a + (($column + $gutter) * $i); } // $g represents the start of this gutter, equal to $a plus one column-width $g: $a + $column; // $z represents the end of a gutter, equal to $g plus one gutter-width $z: $g + $gutter; @if (unit($a) == "%") and ($i == ($total - 1)) { $z: 100%; } // and we add this column/gutter pair to our grid $grid: join($grid, ($column-color $a, $column-color $g, $gutter-color $g, $gutter-color $z)); } @return $grid; } // Return the gradient needed for horizontal grids @function get-column-gradient( $total : $grid-background-total-columns, $column : $grid-background-column-width, $gutter : $grid-background-gutter-width, $offset : $grid-background-offset, $column-color : $grid-background-column-color, $gutter-color : $grid-background-gutter-color, $force-fluid : $grid-background-force-fluid ) { $grid: unquote(""); // don't force fluid grids when they are already fluid. @if unit($column) == "%" { $force-fluid: false; } @if $force-fluid { $grid: get-column-fluid-grid($total,$column,$gutter,$offset,$column-color,$gutter-color); } @else { $grid: build-grid-background($total,$column,$gutter,$offset,$column-color,$gutter-color); } // return the horizontal grid as a gradient $gradient: linear-gradient(left, $grid); @return $gradient; } // Convert a grid from fixed units into percentages. @function get-column-fluid-grid( $total : $grid-background-total-columns, $column : $grid-background-column-width, $gutter : $grid-background-gutter-width, $offset : $grid-background-offset, $column-color : $grid-background-column-color, $gutter-color : $grid-background-gutter-color ) { $context: ($column * $total) + ($gutter * ($total - 1) + ($offset * 2)); $offset: $offset / $context * 100%; $column: $column / $context * 100%; $gutter: $gutter / $context * 100%; // return the horizontal grid as a set of color-stops $grid: build-grid-background($total,$column,$gutter,$offset,$column-color,$gutter-color); @return $grid; } // Add just the baseline grid to an element's background @mixin baseline-grid-background( $baseline : $grid-background-baseline-height, $color : $grid-background-baseline-color ) { @if $show-grid-backgrounds and $show-baseline-grid-backgrounds { @include background-image(get-baseline-gradient($color)); @include background-size(100% $baseline); background-position: left top; } } // Add just the horizontal grid to an element's background @mixin column-grid-background( $total : $grid-background-total-columns, $column : $grid-background-column-width, $gutter : $grid-background-gutter-width, $offset : $grid-background-offset, $column-color : $grid-background-column-color, $gutter-color : $grid-background-gutter-color, $force-fluid : $grid-background-force-fluid ) { @if $show-grid-backgrounds and $show-column-grid-backgrounds { @include background-image( get-column-gradient($total,$column,$gutter,$offset,$column-color,$gutter-color, $force-fluid) ); background-position: left top; } } // Add both horizontal and baseline grids to an element's background @mixin grid-background( $total : $grid-background-total-columns, $column : $grid-background-column-width, $gutter : $grid-background-gutter-width, $baseline : $grid-background-baseline-height, $offset : $grid-background-offset, $column-color : $grid-background-column-color, $gutter-color : $grid-background-gutter-color, $baseline-color : $grid-background-baseline-color, $force-fluid : $grid-background-force-fluid ) { @if $show-grid-backgrounds { @if $show-baseline-grid-backgrounds and $show-column-grid-backgrounds { @include background-image( get-baseline-gradient($baseline-color), get-column-gradient($total,$column,$gutter,$offset,$column-color,$gutter-color, $force-fluid) ); @include background-size(100% $baseline, auto); background-position: left top; } @else { @include baseline-grid-background($baseline, $baseline-color); @include column-grid-background($total,$column,$gutter,$offset,$column-color,$gutter-color, $force-fluid); } } }