// // A partial implementation of the Ruby colors functions from Compass: // https://github.com/Compass/compass/blob/stable/core/lib/compass/core/sass_extensions/functions/colors.rb // // a genericized version of lighten/darken so that negative values can be used. @function adjust-lightness($color, $amount) { @return adjust-color($color, $lightness: $amount); } // Scales a color's lightness by some percentage. // If the amount is negative, the color is scaled darker, if positive, it is scaled lighter. // This will never return a pure light or dark color unless the amount is 100%. @function scale-lightness($color, $amount) { @return scale-color($color, $lightness: $amount); } // a genericized version of saturate/desaturate so that negative values can be used. @function adjust-saturation($color, $amount) { @return adjust-color($color, $saturation: $amount); } // Scales a color's saturation by some percentage. // If the amount is negative, the color is desaturated, if positive, it is saturated. // This will never return a pure saturated or desaturated color unless the amount is 100%. @function scale-saturation($color, $amount) { @return scale-color($color, $saturation: $amount); } @function shade($color, $percentage) { @return mix(#000000, $color, $percentage); } @function tint($color, $percentage) { @return mix(#ffffff, $color, $percentage); }