describe 'Bootstrap Tour', ->
beforeEach ->
$.support.transition = false
$ = true
afterEach ->
tour = @tour
@tour._setState('current_step', null)
@tour._setState('end', null)
$.each @tour._options.steps, (i, s) ->
$element = $(tour.getStep(i).element)
it 'should set the tour options', ->
@tour = new Tour
name: 'test'
afterSetState: -> true
afterGetState: -> true
expect( 'test'
it 'should have `tour` as default name', ->
@tour = new Tour
expect( 'tour'
it 'should accept an array of steps', ->
@tour = new Tour
expect(@tour._options.steps).toEqual [] # tour accepts an array of steps
it '`_setState` should save state as localStorage item', ->
@tour = new Tour
@tour._setState('test', 'yes')
expect(window.localStorage.getItem('tour_test')).toBe 'yes'
it '`_setState` should execute storage.setItem function if provided', ->
aliasKeyName = undefined
aliasValue = undefined
@tour = new Tour
name: 'test'
setItem: (keyName, value) ->
aliasKeyName = keyName
aliasValue = value
getItem: (value) ->
return aliasValue
@tour._setState('save', 'yes')
expect(aliasKeyName).toBe 'test_save'
expect(aliasValue).toBe 'yes'
it '`_setState` should save state internally if storage is false', ->
@tour = new Tour
storage: false
@tour._setState('test', 'yes')
expect(@tour._state['test']).toBe 'yes'
it '`_removeState` should remove state localStorage item', ->
@tour = new Tour
@tour._setState('test', 'yes')
expect(window.localStorage.getItem('tour_test')).toBe null
it '`_removeState` should remove state internally if storage is false', ->
@tour = new Tour
storage: false
@tour._setState('test', 'yes')
it '`_getState` should get state localStorage items', ->
@tour = new Tour
@tour._setState('test', 'yes')
expect(@tour._getState('test')).toBe 'yes'
window.localStorage.setItem('tour_test', null)
it '`_getState` should get the internal state if storage is false', ->
@tour = new Tour
storage: false
@tour._setState('test', 'yes')
expect(@tour._getState('test')).toBe 'yes'
it '`addStep` should add a step', ->
@tour = new Tour
step = element: $('
expect(@tour._options.steps).toEqual [step]
it '`addSteps` should add multiple step', ->
@tour = new Tour
firstStep = element: $('').appendTo('body')
secondStep = element: $('').appendTo('body')
@tour.addSteps([firstStep, secondStep])
expect(@tour._options.steps).toEqual [firstStep, secondStep]
it 'step should have an id', ->
@tour = new Tour
$element = $('').appendTo('body')
@tour.addStep({element: $element})
expect($'bs.popover').tip().attr('id')).toBe 'step-0' # tour runs onStart when the first step shown
it 'with `onStart` option should run the callback before showing the first step', ->
tour_test = 0
@tour = new Tour
onStart: -> tour_test += 2
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect(tour_test).toBe 2 # tour runs onStart when the first step shown
it 'with `onEnd` option should run the callback after hiding the last step', ->
tour_test = 0
@tour = new Tour
onEnd: -> tour_test += 2
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect(tour_test).toBe 2 # tour runs onEnd when the last step hidden
it 'with `onShow` option should run the callback before showing the step', ->
tour_test = 0
@tour = new Tour
onShow: -> tour_test += 2
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect(tour_test).toBe 2 # tour runs onShow when first step shown
expect(tour_test).toBe 4 # tour runs onShow when next step shown
it 'with `onShown` option should run the callback after showing the step', ->
tour_test = 0
@tour = new Tour
onShown: -> tour_test += 2
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect(tour_test).toBe 2 # tour runs onShown after first step shown
it 'with `onHide` option should run the callback before hiding the step', ->
tour_test = 0
@tour = new Tour
onHide: -> tour_test += 2
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect(tour_test).toBe 2 # tour runs onHide when first step hidden
expect(tour_test).toBe 4 # tour runs onHide when next step hidden
it 'with onHidden option should run the callback after hiding the step', ->
tour_test = 0
@tour = new Tour
onHidden: -> tour_test += 2
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect(tour_test).toBe 2 # tour runs onHidden after first step hidden
expect(tour_test).toBe 4 # tour runs onHidden after next step hidden
it '`addStep` with onShow option should run the callback before showing the step', ->
tour_test = 0
@tour = new Tour
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
element: $('').appendTo('body')
onShow: -> tour_test = 2
expect(tour_test).toBe 0 # tour does not run onShow when step not shown
expect(tour_test).toBe 2 # tour runs onShow when step shown
it '`addStep` with onHide option should run the callback before hiding the step', ->
tour_test = 0
@tour = new Tour
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
element: $('').appendTo('body')
onHide: -> tour_test = 2
expect(tour_test).toBe 0 # tour does not run onHide when step not hidden
expect(tour_test).toBe 2 # tour runs onHide when step hidden
it '`getStep` should get a step', ->
@tour = new Tour
step =
element: $('').appendTo('body')
id: 'step-0'
path: 'test'
host: ''
placement: 'left'
title: 'Test'
content: 'Just a test'
next: 2
prev: -1
animation: false
autoscroll: true
container: 'body'
backdrop: false
backdropPadding: 0
backdropContainer: 'body'
backdropElement: $('').appendTo('body')
redirect: true
reflexElement: $('').appendTo('body')
orphan: false
duration: false
delay: false
template: ''
onShow: (tour) ->
onShown: (tour) ->
onHide: (tour) ->
onHidden: (tour) ->
onNext: (tour) ->
onPrev: (tour) ->
onPause: (tour) ->
onResume: (tour) ->
onRedirectError: (tour) ->
# remove properties that we don't want to check from both steps object
expect(@tour.getStep(0)).toEqual step
it '`start` should start a tour', ->
@tour = new Tour
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect($('.popover').length).toBe 1
it '`init` should continue a tour', ->
@tour = new Tour
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
@tour._setState('current_step', 0)
expect($('.popover').length).toBe 1
it '`init` should not continue a tour that ended', ->
@tour = new Tour
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
@tour._setState('current_step', 0)
@tour._setState('end', 'yes')
expect($('.popover').length).toBe 0 # previously ended tour don't start again
it '`init`(true) should force continuing a tour that ended', ->
@tour = new Tour
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
@tour._setState('current_step', 0)
@tour._setState('end', 'yes')
expect($('.popover').length).toBe 1 # previously ended tour starts again if forced to
it '`next` should hide current step and show next step', ->
@tour = new Tour
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect(@tour.getStep(0)'bs.popover')).toBeUndefined() # tour hides current step
expect(@tour.getStep(1)'bs.popover').tip().filter(':visible').length).toBe 1 # tour shows next step
it '`end` should hide current step and set end state', ->
@tour = new Tour
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect(@tour.getStep(0)'bs.popover')).toBeUndefined() # tour hides current step
expect(@tour._getState('end')).toBe 'yes'
it '`ended` should return true if tour ended and false if not', ->
@tour = new Tour
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect(@tour.ended()).toBe false
expect(@tour.ended()).toBe true
it '`ended` should always return false if tour started by force', ->
@tour = new Tour
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect(@tour.ended()).toBe false
it '`restart` should clear all states and start tour', ->
@tour = new Tour
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect(@tour._getState('end')).toBe null
expect(@tour._current).toBe 0
expect($('.popover').length).toBe 1 # tour starts
it '`hideStep` should hide a step', ->
@tour = new Tour
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
it '`showStep` should set a step and show it', ->
@tour = new Tour
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect(@tour._current).toBe 1
expect($('.popover').length).toBe 1 # tour shows one step
expect(@tour.getStep(1)'bs.popover').tip().filter(':visible').length).toBe 1 # tour shows correct step
it '`showStep` should not show anything when the step does not exist', ->
@tour = new Tour
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect($('.popover').length).toBe 0
it '`showStep` should execute template if it is a function', ->
@tour = new Tour
element: $('').appendTo('body')
template: -> ''
expect($('.popover').length).toBe 1
it '`getStep` should add disabled classes to the first and last popover buttons', ->
@tour = new Tour
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect($('.popover [data-role="prev"]').hasClass('disabled')).toBe true
expect($('.popover [data-role="next"]').hasClass('disabled')).toBe true
it '`setCurrentStep` should set the current step', ->
@tour = new Tour
expect(@tour._current).toBe 4 # tour sets current step if passed a value
@tour._setState('current_step', 2)
expect(@tour._current).toBe 2 # tour reads current step state if not passed a value
it '`goTo` should show the specified step', ->
@tour = new Tour
@tour.addStep({element: $('').appendTo('body')})
@tour.addStep({element: $('').appendTo('body')})
expect(@tour.getStep(1)'bs.popover').tip().filter(':visible').length).toBe 1
it '`next` should show the next step', ->
@tour = new Tour
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect(@tour.getStep(1)'bs.popover').tip().filter(':visible').length).toBe 1
it '`prev` should show the previous step', ->
@tour = new Tour
@tour.addStep({element: $('').appendTo('body')})
@tour.addStep({element: $('').appendTo('body')})
expect(@tour.getStep(0)'bs.popover').tip().filter(':visible').length).toBe 1
it '`showStep` should show multiple step on the same element', ->
@tour = new Tour
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
# tour show the first step
expect(@tour.getStep(0)'bs.popover').tip().filter(':visible').length).toBe 1
# tour show the second step on the same element
expect(@tour.getStep(1)'bs.popover').tip().filter(':visible').length).toBe 1
it 'should get url properties correctly', ->
@tour = new Tour
expect(@tour._getProtocol('')).toBe 'http'
expect(@tour._getProtocol('')).toBe 'https'
expect(@tour._getProtocol('')).toBe 'http'
expect(@tour._getProtocol('')).toBe 'http'
expect(@tour._getHost('')).toBe ''
expect(@tour._getHost('')).toBe ''
expect(@tour._getHost('')).toBe ''
expect(@tour._getPath('/somepath?foo=bar')).toBe '/somepath'
expect(@tour._getPath('/somepath#foo=bar')).toBe '/somepath'
expect(@tour._getPath('/somepath?foo=bar#hash')).toBe '/somepath'
expect(@tour._getQuery('/somepath?one=bar')).toEqual {one: 'bar'}
expect(@tour._getQuery('/somepath?one=bar&two=foo')).toEqual {one: 'bar', two: 'foo'}
expect(@tour._getHash('/somepath#one=bar&two=foo')).toEqual {one: 'bar', two: 'foo'}
expect(@tour._getHash('/somepath#one=bar&two=foo')).toEqual {one: 'bar', two: 'foo'}
it 'should evaluate `path` correctly', ->
@tour = new Tour
# redirect if path doesn't match current path
'', '/anotherpath',
origin: ''
href: ''
pathname: '/somepath'
search: ''
hash: ''
).toBe true
# don't redirect if no path
'', undefined,
origin: ''
href: ''
pathname: '/'
search: ''
hash: ''
).toBe false
# don't redirect if path empty
'', '',
origin: ''
href: ''
pathname: '/'
search: ''
hash: ''
).toBe false
# don't redirect if path matches current path
'', '/somepath',
origin: ''
href: ''
pathname: '/somepath'
search: ''
hash: ''
).toBe false
# don't redirect if path with slash matches current path
'', '/somepath/',
origin: ''
href: ''
pathname: '/somepath'
search: ''
hash: ''
).toBe false
# don't redirect if path matches current path with slash
'', '/somepath',
origin: ''
href: ''
pathname: '/somepath/'
search: ''
hash: ''
).toBe false
# redirect if path with query params doesn't matche current path
'', '/somepath?search=true',
origin: ''
href: ''
pathname: '/somepath'
search: ''
hash: ''
).toBe true
# redirect if path with slash and query params doesn't matche current path
'', '/somepath/?search=true',
origin: ''
href: ''
pathname: '/somepath'
search: ''
hash: ''
).toBe true
# redirect if path with more than one query param doesn't matche current path
'', '/somepath?search=true&foo=bar',
origin: ''
href: ''
pathname: '/somepath'
search: ''
hash: ''
).toBe true
# redirect if path with and query params doesn't matche current path
'', '/somepath?search=true&foo=bar',
origin: ''
href: ''
pathname: '/somepath'
search: '?search=true'
hash: ''
).toBe true
# redirect if path query params number doesn't matche current path
'', '/somepath?search=true&foo=bar',
origin: ''
href: ''
pathname: '/somepath'
search: '?foo=bar'
hash: ''
).toBe true
# don't redirect if path with query params matches current path
'', '/somepath?search=true&foo=bar',
origin: ''
href: ''
pathname: '/somepath'
search: '?foo=bar&search=true'
hash: ''
).toBe false
# don't redirect if path with query params matches current path
'', '/somepath?search=true&foo=bar'
origin: ''
href: ''
pathname: '/somepath'
search: '?search=true&foo=bar'
).toBe false
# redirect if path with one hash param doesn't matche current path
'', '/somepath#search=true',
origin: ''
href: ''
pathname: '/somepath'
search: ''
hash: ''
).toBe true
# redirect if path with slash and one hash param doesn't matche current path
'', '/somepath/#search=true',
origin: ''
href: ''
pathname: '/somepath'
search: ''
hash: ''
).toBe true
# redirect if path with more than one hash params doesn't matche current path
'', '/somepath#search=true&foo=bar',
origin: ''
href: ''
pathname: '/somepath'
search: ''
hash: ''
).toBe true
# redirect if path hash params number doesn't matche current path
'', '/somepath#search=true&foo=bar',
origin: ''
href: ''
pathname: '/somepath'
search: ''
hash: '#search=true'
).toBe true
# redirect if path hash params number doesn't matche current path
'', '/somepath#search=true&foo=bar',
origin: '',
href: '',
pathname: '/somepath',
search: '',
hash: '#foo=bar'
).toBe true
# don't redirect if path with hash params matches current path
'', '/somepath#search=true&foo=bar',
origin: '',
href: '',
pathname: '/somepath',
search: '',
hash: '#foo=bar&search=true'
).toBe false
# don't redirect if path with hash params matches current path
'', '/somepath#search=true&foo=bar',
origin: '',
href: '',
pathname: '/somepath',
search: '',
hash: '#search=true&foo=bar'
).toBe false
# don't redirect if current path matches path regex
'', /some.*/,
origin: '',
href: '',
pathname: '/somepath',
search: '',
hash: ''
).toBe false
it '`_getState` should return null after `_removeState` with null value', ->
@tour = new Tour
@tour._setState('test', 'test')
expect(@tour._getState('test')).toBe null
it '`_removeState` should call `afterRemoveState` callback', ->
sentinel = false
@tour = new Tour
afterRemoveState: -> sentinel = true
expect(sentinel).toBe true
it 'should not move to the next state until the onShow promise is resolved', ->
@tour = new Tour
deferred = $.Deferred()
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
element: $('').appendTo('body')
onShow: -> return deferred
expect(@tour.getStep(1)'bs.popover').tip().filter(':visible').length).toBe 1
it 'should not hide popover until the onHide promise is resolved', ->
deferred = $.Deferred()
@tour = new Tour
element: $('').appendTo('body')
onHide: -> return deferred
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect(@tour._current).toBe 0 # tour shows old state until resolving of onHide promise
expect(@tour._current).toBe 1 # tour shows new state after resolving onShow promise
it 'should not start until the onStart promise is resolved', ->
deferred = $.Deferred()
@tour = new Tour
onStart: -> deferred
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect($('.popover').length).toBe 0
expect($('.popover').length).toBe 1
it 'should add `tour-step-element-reflex` class to the step element if reflex is active', ->
@tour = new Tour
$element = $('').appendTo('body')
element: $element
reflex: true
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect($element.hasClass('tour-step-element-reflex')).toBe false
expect($element.hasClass('tour-step-element-reflex')).toBe true
expect($element.hasClass('tour-step-element-reflex')).toBe false
it 'should add `tour-step-element-reflex` class to reflexElement if reflex is defined', ->
@tour = new Tour
$element = $('').appendTo('body')
$definedElement = $('').appendTo('body')
element: $element
reflex: true
reflexElement: '#ref'
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect($element.hasClass('tour-step-element-reflex')).toBe false
expect($definedElement.hasClass('tour-step-element-reflex')).toBe false
expect($element.hasClass('tour-step-element-reflex')).toBe false
expect($definedElement.hasClass('tour-step-element-reflex')).toBe true
expect($element.hasClass('tour-step-element-reflex')).toBe false
expect($definedElement.hasClass('tour-step-element-reflex')).toBe false
it 'should add `tour-{tourName}-reflex` class to the step popover if reflex is active', ->
@tour = new Tour
$element = $('').appendTo('body')
element: $element
reflex: true
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect($('.popover').hasClass("tour-#{}-reflex")).toBe false
expect($('.popover').hasClass("tour-#{}-reflex")).toBe true
expect($('.popover').hasClass("tour-#{}-reflex")).toBe false
it '`showStep` redirects to the anchor when the path is an anchor', ->
@tour = new Tour
element: $('').appendTo('body')
path: '#mytest'
expect(document.location.hash).toBe '#mytest' # Tour step has moved to the anchor
document.location.hash = ''
it '`showStep` show the step when the path is an anchor', ->
current_path = location.pathname
@tour = new Tour
element: $('').appendTo('body')
path: "#{current_path}#mytest"
expect(@tour.getStep(0)'bs.popover').tip().filter(':visible').length).toBe 1 # tour shows correct step
document.location.hash = ''
it '`backdrop` parameter should show backdrop with step', ->
@tour = new Tour
element: $('').appendTo('body')
backdrop: false
element: $('').appendTo('body')
backdrop: true
expect($('.tour-backdrop').length).toBe 0 # disable backdrop
expect($('.tour-step-backdrop').length).toBe 0 # disable backdrop
expect($('.tour-step-background').length).toBe 0 # disable backdrop
expect($('.tour-backdrop').length).toBe 1 # enable backdrop
expect($('.tour-step-backdrop').length).toBe 1 # enable backdrop
expect($('.tour-step-background').length).toBe 1 # enable backdrop
expect($('.tour-backdrop').length).toBe 0 # disable backdrop
expect($('.tour-step-backdrop').length).toBe 0 # disable backdrop
expect($('.tour-step-background').length).toBe 0 # disable backdrop
it 'step with backdrop and invalid selector should not attempt to create an overlay element', ->
@tour = new Tour
@tour._showOverlayElement '#nonExistingElement'
expect(@tour.backdrop.overlayElementShown).toBe false
it 'should render the padding on the backdrop element', ->
@tour = new Tour
backdrop: true
$firstElement = $('', width: 10, height: 10).appendTo('body')
$secondElement = $('', width: 10, height: 10).appendTo('body')
firstPadding = 20
secondPadding =
top: 40
right: 30
bottom: 20
left: 10
backdrop: true
backdropPadding: firstPadding
element: $firstElement
backdrop: true
backdropPadding: secondPadding
element: $secondElement
expect(@tour.backdrop.$background.width()).toBe $firstElement.innerWidth() + (firstPadding * 2)
expect(@tour.backdrop.$background.height()).toBe $firstElement.innerHeight() + (firstPadding * 2)
.toBe $secondElement.innerWidth() + secondPadding.left + secondPadding.right
.toBe $secondElement.innerHeight() + + secondPadding.bottom
it '`basePath` should prepend the path to the steps', ->
@tour = new Tour
basePath: 'test/'
element: $('').appendTo('body')
path: 'test.html'
# Tour adds basePath to step path
@tour._options.basePath + @tour.getStep(0).path,
href: '', pathname: 'test/test.html', search: '', hash: ''
).toBe false
it 'should evaluate the host correctly', ->
@tour = new Tour
origin: ''
href: ''
pathname: '/test.html'
search: ''
hash: ''
).toBe true
origin: ''
href: ''
pathname: '/test.html'
search: ''
hash: ''
).toBe false
origin: ''
href: ''
pathname: '/test.html'
search: ''
hash: ''
).toBe false
origin: ''
href: ''
pathname: '/test.html'
search: ''
hash: ''
).toBe true
it 'with `onNext` option should run the callback before showing the next step', ->
tour_test = 0
@tour = new Tour
onNext: -> tour_test += 2
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect(tour_test).toBe 2
it '`showStep` should not show step if tour ended', ->
@tour = new Tour
onNext: (t) -> t.end()
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect($('.popover').length).toBe 0
it '`addStep` with onNext option should run the callback before showing the next step', ->
tour_test = 0
@tour = new Tour
element: $('').appendTo('body')
onNext: -> tour_test = 2
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect(tour_test).toBe 0 # tour does not run onNext when next step is not called
expect(tour_test).toBe 2 # tour runs onNext when next step is called
it 'with `onPrev` option should run the callback before showing the prev step', ->
tour_test = 0
@tour = new Tour
onPrev: -> tour_test += 2
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect(tour_test).toBe 2 # tour runs onPrev when prev step is called
it '`addStep` with `onPrev` option should run the callback before showing the prev step', ->
tour_test = 0
@tour = new Tour
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
element: $('').appendTo('body')
onPrev: -> tour_test = 2
expect(tour_test).toBe 0 # tour does not run onPrev when prev step is not called
expect(tour_test).toBe 2 # tour runs onPrev when prev step is called
it 'with `onRedirectError` option should run the callback when redirection failed', ->
tour_test = 0
@tour = new Tour
element: $('').appendTo('body')
path: '/path'
onRedirectError: -> tour_test = 2
@tour._setState 'redirect_to', 0 # tour has previously redirected to step '0'
expect(tour_test).toBe 2 # tour runs onRedirectError when redirection failed
it 'should render custom navigation template', ->
@tour = new Tour
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect($('.popover .popover-navigation a').length).toBe 3
it 'should have `data-role` attribute for navigation template', ->
@tour = new Tour
template = $(@tour._options.template)
expect(template.find('*[data-role=next]').size()).toBe 1
expect(template.find('*[data-role=prev]').size()).toBe 1
expect(template.find('*[data-role=end]').size()).toBe 1
it 'should unbind click events when hiding step (in reflex mode)', ->
$element = $('').appendTo('body')
@tour = new Tour
element: $element
reflex: true
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect($._data($element[0], 'events')).not.toBeDefined()
expect($._data($element[0], 'events').click.length).toBeGreaterThan 0
expect($._data($element[0], 'events').click[0].namespace).toBe "tour-#{}"
$.each [0..10], =>
expect($._data($element[0], 'events')).not.toBeDefined()
expect($._data($element[0], 'events').click.length).toBeGreaterThan 0
expect($._data($element[0], 'events').click[0].namespace).toBe "tour-#{}"
it 'should add `tour-{tourName}` and `tour-{tourName}-{stepId}` classses to the popover', ->
@tour = new Tour
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect($('.popover').hasClass("tour-#{}")).toBe true
expect($('.popover').hasClass("tour-#{}-0")).toBe true
it 'should add `tour-{tourName}-element` and `tour-{tourName}-{stepId}-element` classses to the popover element', ->
@tour = new Tour
$element = $ ''
@tour.addStep element: $element.appendTo 'body'
@tour.showStep 0
expect($element.hasClass "tour-#{}-element").toBe true
expect($element.hasClass "tour-#{}-0-element").toBe true
# orphan
it 'should show orphan steps', ->
@tour = new Tour
orphan: true
expect($('.popover').length).toBe 1
it 'should add `orphan` class to the popover', ->
@tour = new Tour
orphan: true
expect($('.popover').hasClass('orphan')).toBe true
it 'should use orphan template to show orphan steps', ->
@tour = new Tour
step = orphan: ''
@tour.addStep step
template = @tour._template(step, 0)
expect($(template).hasClass('orphan-custom-template')).toBe true
it 'should not use orphan template to show steps', ->
@tour = new Tour
step =
orphan: ''
element: $('').appendTo('body')
@tour.addStep step
template = @tour._template(step, 0)
expect($(template).hasClass('orphan-custom-template')).toBe false
it 'should execute orphan template if it is a function', ->
@tour = new Tour
step = orphan: -> ''
@tour.addStep step
template = @tour._template(step, 0)
expect($(template).hasClass('orphan-custom-template')).toBe true
it 'handles quota_exceeded exceptions', ->
@tour = new Tour
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
spyOn(, 'setItem').andCallFake ->
throw new Error 'QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR', 'QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR: DOM Exception 22'
spyOn(@tour, '_setState')
@tour._setState('test', '1')
expect(=> @tour._setState).not.toThrow()
it 'should not try to scroll to non-existing element', ->
@tour = new Tour
orphan: true
element: '#nonExistingElement'
@tour.showStep 0
expect($('.popover').length).toBe 1
# duration
it 'should start the timer', ->
@tour = new Tour
duration: 5000
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
it 'should pause the timer on pause', ->
@tour = new Tour
duration: 5000
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
window.setTimeout( =>
expect(@tour._timer).toBe null
, 1000)
it 'should stop the timer on hideStep', ->
@tour = new Tour
duration: 5000
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect(@tour._timer).toBe null
expect(@tour._duration).toBe null
it 'should stop the timer on end', ->
@tour = new Tour
duration: 5000
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect(@tour._timer).toBe null
expect(@tour._duration).toBe null
it 'should call window.setTimeout when delay is defined', ->
counter = 0
initialTimeout = window.setTimeout
window.setTimeout = (callback, duration) ->
@tour = new Tour
delay: {
show: 300
hide: 400
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
@tour.addStep(element: $('').appendTo('body'))
expect(counter).toBe 1
expect(counter).toBe 3
expect(counter).toBe 4
window.setTimeout = initialTimeout
### TODO: fix $.support.transition conflict between jquery and bootstrap
it 'should not display inactive popover upon rapid navigation', ->
# Flag that gives signal to the async test that it should evaluate.
$.support.transition = true
$ = false
isStepShown = false
# Cleanup all leftover popovers from previous tests.
# Setup two-step tour. The problem should occur when switching from first
# step to the second while the transition effect of the first one is still
# active.
@tour = new Tour
@tour.addStep element: $('').appendTo('body')
element: $('').appendTo('body')
onShown: ->
isStepShown = true
# Request the first step and immediately the second one. This way the first
# step won't be displayed when the second step is requested, so the request
# for second step can not cleanup existing popovers yet.
runs ->
waitsFor ->
, 'The second step should be displayed.', 1000
runs -> expect($('.popover').length).toBe 1