TinyMCE - The JavaScript Rich Text editor ========================================== Building TinyMCE ----------------- Install [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/) on your system. Clone this repository on your system ``` $ git clone https://github.com/tinymce/tinymce.git ``` Open a console and go to the project directory. ``` $ cd tinymce/ ``` Install `grunt` command line tool globally. ``` $ npm i -g grunt-cli ``` Install all package dependencies. ``` $ npm install ``` Now, build TinyMCE by using `grunt`. ``` $ grunt ``` Build tasks ------------ `grunt` Lints, minifies, unit tests and creates release packages for TinyMCE. `grunt test` Runs all qunit tests on PhantomJS. `grunt --help` Displays the various build tasks. Bundle themes and plugins into a single file --------------------------------------------- `grunt bundle --themes=modern --plugins=table,paste` Minifies the core, adds the modern theme and adds the table and paste plugin into tinymce.min.js. Contributing to the TinyMCE project ------------------------------------ TinyMCE is an open source software project and we encourage developers to contribute patches and code to be included in the main package of TinyMCE. __Basic Rules__ * Contributed code will be licensed under the LGPL license but not limited to LGPL. * Copyright notices will be changed to Ephox Corporation, contributors will get credit for their work. * All third party code will be reviewed, tested and possibly modified before being released. * All contributors will have to have signed the Contributor License Agreement. These basic rules ensures that the contributed code remains open source and under the LGPL license. __How to Contribute to the Code__ The TinyMCE source code is [hosted on Github](https://github.com/tinymce/tinymce). Through Github you can submit pull requests and log new bugs and feature requests. When you submit a pull request, you will get a notice about signing the __Contributors License Agreement (CLA)__. You should have a __valid email address on your GitHub account__, and you will be sent a key to verify your identity and digitally sign the agreement. After you signed your pull request will automatically be ready for review & merge. __How to Contribute to the Docs__ Docs are hosted on Github in the [tinymce-docs](https://github.com/tinymce/tinymce-docs) repo. [How to contribute](https://www.tinymce.com/docs/advanced/contributing-docs/) to the docs, including a style guide, can be found on the TinyMCE website.