# gulp-inject [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url] [![XO code style][codestyle-image]][codestyle-url] [![Dependency Status][depstat-image]][depstat-url] > A stylesheet, javascript and webcomponent reference injection plugin for [gulp](https://github.com/wearefractal/gulp). No more manual editing of your index.html! # Contents - [Introduction](#introduction) - [Installation](#installation) - [Basic usage](#basic-usage) - [More examples](#more-examples) - [Injecting files relative to target files](#injecting-files-relative-to-target-files) - [Injecting files from multiple source streams](#injecting-files-from-multiple-source-streams) - [Injecting some files into `` and some into ``](#injecting-some-files-into-head-and-some-into-body) - [Injecting all files for development](#injecting-all-files-for-development) - [Injecting AngularJS scripts for development](#injecting-angularjs-scripts-for-development) - [Injecting into a json-file](#injecting-into-a-json-file) - [Injecting with custom `transform` function with default fallback](#injecting-with-custom-transform-function-with-default-fallback) - [Injecting dist files into bower.json's main section](#injecting-dist-files-into-bowerjsons-main-section) - [Injecting all javascript files into a karma config file](#injecting-all-javascript-files-into-a-karma-config-file) - [Injecting files contents](#injecting-files-contents) - [Injecting files contents based on file path](#injecting-files-contents-based-on-file-path) - [API](#api) - [inject(sources, options)](#injectsources-options) - [inject.transform](#injecttransform) - [License](#license) ## Introduction `gulp-inject` takes a stream of source files, transforms each file to a string and injects each transformed string into placeholders in the target stream files. See [Basic usage](#basic-usage) and [More examples](#more-examples) below. Default [transforms](#optionstransform) and [placeholders](#optionsstarttag) exists for injecting files into `html`, `jade`, `pug`, `jsx` , `less`, `slm`, `haml` and `sass` / `scss` files. ## Installation Install `gulp-inject` as a development dependency: ```shell npm install --save-dev gulp-inject ``` ## Basic usage **The target file `src/index.html`:** Each pair of comments are the injection placeholders (aka. tags, see [`options.starttag`](#optionsstarttag) and [`options.endtag`](#optionsendtag)). ```html My index ``` **The `gulpfile.js`:** ```javascript var gulp = require('gulp'); var inject = require('gulp-inject'); gulp.task('index', function () { var target = gulp.src('./src/index.html'); // It's not necessary to read the files (will speed up things), we're only after their paths: var sources = gulp.src(['./src/**/*.js', './src/**/*.css'], {read: false}); return target.pipe(inject(sources)) .pipe(gulp.dest('./src')); }); ``` **`src/index.html` after running `gulp index`:** ```html My index ``` ## More examples ### Injecting files relative to target files By default the injected file paths are relative to each source file's `cwd` (see [`options.ignorePath`](#optionsignorepath)). If `options.relative` is set to `true` each injected path will be relative to each target file's directory instead. **Project structure:** ``` └── src ├── module │ ├── module.js │ └── module.html └── app ├── main.js └── index.html ``` **`src/app/index.html`:** ```html My Index


``` **`src/module/module.html`:** ```html Module


``` **`gulpfile.js`:** ```javascript var inject = require('gulp-inject'); gulp.src('./src/**/*.html') .pipe(inject(gulp.src('./src/**/*.js', {read: false}), {relative: true})) .pipe(gulp.dest('./src')); ``` **Resulting `src/app/index.html`:** ```html My Index


``` **Resulting `src/module/module.html`:** ```html Module


``` ### Injecting files from multiple source streams This example demonstrates how to inject files from multiple different streams into the same injection placeholder. Install [`event-stream`](https://www.npmjs.org/package/event-stream) with: `npm install --save-dev event-stream` and use its [`merge`](https://github.com/dominictarr/event-stream#merge-stream1streamn) function. **Code:** ```javascript var es = require('event-stream'), inject = require('gulp-inject'), concat = require('gulp-concat'), uglify = require('gulp-uglify'); // Concatenate vendor scripts var vendorStream = gulp.src(['./src/vendors/*.js']) .pipe(concat('vendors.js')) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')); // Concatenate AND minify app sources var appStream = gulp.src(['./src/app/*.js']) .pipe(concat('app.js')) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')); gulp.src('./src/index.html') .pipe(inject(es.merge(vendorStream, appStream))) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')); ``` #### Multiple sources when order is important Use [`stream-series`](https://github.com/rschmukler/stream-series). **Code:** ```javascript var series = require('stream-series'), inject = require('gulp-inject'); var vendorStream = gulp.src(['./src/vendors/*.js'], {read: false}); var appStream = gulp.src(['./src/app/*.js'], {read: false}); gulp.src('./src/index.html') .pipe(inject(series(vendorStream, appStream))) // This will always inject vendor files before app files .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')); ``` ### Injecting some files into `` and some into `` #### Method 1: Use `gulp-inject`'s `starttag` option. **`gulpfile.js`:** ```javascript var inject = require('gulp-inject'); gulp.src('./src/index.html') .pipe(inject(gulp.src('./src/importantFile.js', {read: false}), {starttag: ''})) .pipe(inject(gulp.src(['./src/*.js', '!./src/importantFile.js'], {read: false}))) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')); ``` **And in your `./src/index.html`:** ```html My index ``` #### Method 2: Use `gulp-inject`'s `name` option. **`gulpfile.js`:** ```javascript var inject = require('gulp-inject'); gulp.src('./src/index.html') .pipe(inject(gulp.src('./src/importantFile.js', {read: false}), {name: 'head'})) .pipe(inject(gulp.src(['./src/*.js', '!./src/importantFile.js'], {read: false}))) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')); ``` **And in your `./src/index.html`:** ```html My index ``` ### Injecting all files for development If you use [Bower](http://bower.io/) for frontend dependencies I recommend using [`main-bower-files`](https://www.npmjs.org/package/main-bower-files) and injecting them as well. **`gulpfile.js`:** ```javascript var bowerFiles = require('main-bower-files'), inject = require('gulp-inject'), stylus = require('gulp-stylus'), es = require('event-stream'); var cssFiles = gulp.src('./src/**/*.styl') .pipe(stylus()) .pipe(gulp.dest('./build')); gulp.src('./src/index.html') .pipe(inject(gulp.src(bowerFiles(), {read: false}), {name: 'bower'})) .pipe(inject(es.merge( cssFiles, gulp.src('./src/app/**/*.js', {read: false}) ))) .pipe(gulp.dest('./build')); ``` **`src/index.html`:** ```html My index ``` **Note** remember to mount `./bower_components`, `./build` and `./src/app` as static resources in your server to make this work. ### Injecting AngularJS scripts for development If you're writing an AngularJS application and follow [Google's Angular APP Structure Recommendations](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XXMvReO8-Awi1EZXAXS4PzDzdNvV6pGcuaF4Q9821Es/pub), which I think you should, it's important that the script files are injected in the correct order to avoid module instantiation problems like `Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr]`. To do this you can use [`gulp-angular-filesort`](https://www.npmjs.org/package/gulp-angular-filesort) together with `gulp-inject` like so: ```javascript var angularFilesort = require('gulp-angular-filesort'), inject = require('gulp-inject'); gulp.src('./src/index.html') .pipe(inject( gulp.src('./src/app/**/*.js') // gulp-angular-filesort depends on file contents, so don't use {read: false} here .pipe(angularFilesort()) )) .pipe(gulp.dest('./build')); ``` ### Injecting into a json-file You can customize `gulp-inject` further by using the `transform` function option, e.g. by injecting files into a json-file. **Code:** ```javascript gulp.src('./files.json') .pipe(inject(gulp.src(['./src/*.js', './src/*.css', './src/*.html'], {read: false}), { starttag: '"{{ext}}": [', endtag: ']', transform: function (filepath, file, i, length) { return ' "' + filepath + '"' + (i + 1 < length ? ',' : ''); } })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); ``` Initial contents of `files.json`: ```json { "js": [ ], "css": [ ], "html": [ ] } ``` ### Injecting with custom `transform` function with default fallback The [default `transform`](#injecttransform) function is available to use e.g. as a default fallback. Used here to inject Word documents as `` tags below: **`index.html`:** ```html My documents


``` **`gulpfile.js`:** ```javascript var inject = require('gulp-inject'); gulp.src('./index.html') .pipe(inject( gulp.src(['./*.js', './docs/*.docx'], {read: false}), { transform: function (filepath) { if (filepath.slice(-5) === '.docx') { return '
  • ' + filepath + '
  • '; } // Use the default transform as fallback: return inject.transform.apply(inject.transform, arguments); } } )) .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); ``` **Resulting `index.html`:** ```html My documents


    ``` ### Injecting dist files into bower.json's main section **Code:** ```javascript gulp.src('./bower.json') .pipe(inject(gulp.src(['./dist/app.min.js', './dist/app.min.css'], {read: false}), { starttag: '"main": [', endtag: ']', transform: function (filepath, file, i, length) { return ' "' + filepath + '"' + (i + 1 < length ? ',' : ''); } })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); ``` ### Injecting all javascript files into a karma config file **Code:** ```javascript gulp.src('./karma.conf.js') .pipe(inject(gulp.src(['./src/**/*.js'], {read: false}), { starttag: 'files: [', endtag: ']', transform: function (filepath, file, i, length) { return ' "' + filepath + '"' + (i + 1 < length ? ',' : ''); } })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); ``` ### Injecting files contents In order to inject files contents you have to provide custom `transform` function, that will return file contents as string. You also have to omit `{read: false}` option of `gulp.src` in this case. Example below shows how to inject contents of html partials into head of `index.html`: ***Code:*** ```javascript gulp.src('./src/index.html') .pipe(inject(gulp.src(['./src/partials/head/*.html']), { starttag: '', transform: function (filePath, file) { // return file contents as string return file.contents.toString('utf8') } })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dest')); ``` And in your `./src/index.html`: ```html My index ``` ### Injecting files contents based on file path In order to inject files based on file path you have to provide custom `starttag` which includes `{{path}}`. Additionally, in order to inject file contents include `transform` function, that will return file contents as string. You also have to omit `{read: false}` option of `gulp.src` in this case. Path can be either absolute, or relative in which case you should set [`options.relative`] to true. Example below shows how to inject contents of html partials into `index.html`: ***Code:*** ```javascript gulp.src('./src/index.html') .pipe(inject(gulp.src(['./src/partials/head/*.html']), { starttag: '', relative: true, transform: function (filePath, file) { // return file contents as string return file.contents.toString('utf8') } })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dest')); ``` And in your `./src/index.html`: ```html My index ``` ## API ### inject(sources, options) #### sources Type: `Stream` Provide a Vinyl File Stream as input to `inject`, see examples above. **N.B:** The old behavior, where you specify target as a string is deprecated since `v.1.0`. #### options.ignorePath Type: `String` or `Array` Default: `NULL` A path or paths that should be removed from each injected file path. This could also be solved by setting the `cwd` option for your `gulp.src` streams, each source file's `cwd` is automatically removed from its path before injection (if not [`options.relative`](#optionsrelative) is set to `true`, see below). #### options.relative Type: `Boolean` Default: `false` If set to `true` paths for the injected files will be relative to each target file, this also means that each source file's `cwd` is not necessary to remove from its path. #### options.addPrefix Type: `String` Default: `NULL` A path that should be prefixed to each injected file path. #### options.addSuffix Type: `String` Default: `NULL` A path that should be suffixed to each injected file path. #### options.addRootSlash Type: `Boolean` Default: [`!options.relative`](#optionsrelative) The root slash is automatically added at the beginning of the path ('/'), or removed if set to `false`. #### options.name Type: `String` Default: `"inject"` Used in the default [start](#optionsstarttag) and [end](#optionsendtag) tags below. #### options.removeTags Type: `Boolean` Default: `false` When `true` the start and end tags will be removed when injecting files. #### options.empty Type: `Boolean` Default: `false` When `true` all tags without corresponding files will be emptied. [**Warning** this has the potential issue of emptying more than expected.](https://github.com/klei/gulp-inject/issues/135) #### options.starttag **Type:** `String`|`Function(targetExt, sourceExt)` **Params (if function):** - `targetExt` - The file extension of the target file - `sourceExt` - The file extension of source file **Purpose:** Used to dynamically set starting placeholder tag depending on file extensions. In the provided string, or the string returned from the given function, the string `{{ext}}` is replaced with the source file extension name, e.g. "css", "js" or "html". `{{name}}` will be replaced by [`options.name`](#optionsname). `{{path}}` will be replaced by path to source file (when used together with [`options.relative`] it will allow relative path to source file. ##### Default: A function dependent on target file type and source file type that returns: * html as target: `` * haml as target: `-# {{name}}:{{ext}}` * jade as target: `//- {{name}}:{{ext}}` * pug as target: `//- {{name}}:{{ext}}` * jsx as target: `{/* {{name}}:{{ext}} */}` * slm as target: `/ {{name}}:{{ext}}` * less as target: `/* {{name}}:{{ext}} */` * sass, scss as target: `/* {{name}}:{{ext}} */` #### options.endtag **Type:** `String`|`Function(targetExt, sourceExt)` **Params (if function):** - `targetExt` - The file extension of the target file - `sourceExt` - The file extension of source file **Purpose:** Used to dynamically set ending placeholder tag depending on file extensions. In the provided string, or the string returned from the given function, the string `{{ext}}` is replaced with the source file extension name, e.g. "css", "js" or "html". `{{name}}` will be replaced by [`options.name`](#optionsname). `{{path}}` will be replaced by path to source file. ##### Default: A function dependent on target file type and source file type that returns: * html as target: `` * haml as target: `-# endinject` * jade as target: `//- endinject` * pug as target: `//- endinject` * jsx as target: `{/* endinject */}` * slm as target: `/ endinject` * less as target: `/* endinject */` * sass, scss as target: `/* endinject */` #### options.transform **Type**: `Function(filepath, file, index, length, targetFile)` **Params:** - `filepath` - The "unixified" path to the file with any `ignorePath`'s removed, `addPrefix` and `addSuffix` added - `file` - The [File object](https://github.com/wearefractal/vinyl) to inject given from `gulp.src` - `index` - 0-based file index - `length` - Total number of files to inject for the current file extension - `targetFile` - The target [file](https://github.com/wearefractal/vinyl) to inject into **Purpose:** Used to generate the content to inject for each file. ##### Default: [A function](#injecttransform) dependent on target file type and source file type that returns: **Injecting into `html`** * css files: `` * js files: `` * coffee files: `` * html files: `` * png files: `` * gif files: `` * jpg files: `` * jpeg files: `` If `options.selfClosingTag` is `true` the default transformer above will make the `` and `` tags self close, i.e: `` and `` respectively. **Injecting into `jsx`** The same as for injecting into `html` above with [`options.selfClosingTag`](#optionsselfclosingtag) set to `true`. **Injecting into `jade`** * css files: `link(rel="stylesheet", href=".css")` * js files: `script(src=".js")` * coffee files: `script(type="text/coffeescript", src=".coffee")` * html files: `link(rel="import", href=".html")` * png files: `img(src=".png")` * gif files: `img(src=".gif")` * jpg files: `img(src=".jpg")` * jpeg files: `img(src=".jpeg")` **Injecting into `pug`** * css files: `link(rel="stylesheet", href=".css")` * js files: `script(src=".js")` * coffee files: `script(type="text/coffeescript", src=".coffee")` * html files: `link(rel="import", href=".html")` * png files: `img(src=".png")` * gif files: `img(src=".gif")` * jpg files: `img(src=".jpg")` * jpeg files: `img(src=".jpeg")` **Injecting into `slm`** * css files: `link rel="stylesheet" href=".css"` * js files: `script src=".js"` * coffee files: `script type="text/coffeescript" src=".coffee"` * html files: `link rel="import" href=".html"` * png files: `img src=".png"` * gif files: `img src=".gif"` * jpg files: `img src=".jpg"` * jpeg files: `img src=".jpeg"` **Injecting into `haml`** * css files: `%link{rel:"stylesheet", href:".css"}` * js files: `%script{src:".js"}` * coffee files: `%script{type:"text/coffeescript", src:".coffee"}` * html files: `%link{rel:"import", href:".html"}` * png files: `%img{src:".png"}` * gif files: `%img{src:".gif"}` * jpg files: `%img{src:".jpg"}` * jpeg files: `%img{src:".jpeg"}` **Injecting into `less`** * css files: `@import ".css";` * less files: `@import ".less";` **Injecting into `scss`** * css files: `@import ".css";` * scss files: `@import ".scss";` * sass files: `@import ".sass";` **Injecting into `sass`** * css files: `@import ".css"` * sass files: `@import ".sass"` * scss files: `@import ".scss"` #### options.selfClosingTag Type: `Boolean` Default: `false` Affects the default `options.transform` function, see above. #### ~~options.templateString~~ ***DEPRECATED!*** *Deprecated since `v.1.0`. Use [`gulp-file`](https://www.npmjs.org/package/gulp-file) instead:* ```javascript var gulp = require('gulp'); var file = require('gulp-file'); var inject = require('gulp-inject'); file('index.html', '') .pipe(inject(gulp.src(['./src/app/**/*.js']), { starttag: '', endtag: '' })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dest')); ``` #### ~~options.sort~~ ***DEPRECATED!*** *Deprecated since `v.1.0`. Use [`sort-stream`](https://www.npmjs.org/package/sort-stream) instead:* ```javascript var gulp = require('gulp'); var sort = require('sort-stream'); var inject = require('gulp-inject'); gulp.src('index.html') .pipe(inject( gulp.src(['./src/app/**/*.js']) .pipe(sort(function (a, b) { // Sort condition here... })) )) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dest')); ``` ### inject.transform The default transform function is exposed in the public API. For more details see [the code with tests](https://github.com/klei/gulp-inject/tree/master/src/transform). #### inject.transform.html The default transform function for files into `html`, or other file types not `jade`, `pug`, `jsx`, `slm`, `less`, `scss`, `sass` or `haml`. #### inject.transform.jade The default transform function for files into `jade`. #### inject.transform.pug The default transform function for files into `pug`. #### inject.transform.jsx The default transform function for files into `jsx`. #### inject.transform.slm The default transform function for files into `slm`. #### inject.transform.haml The default transform function for files into `haml`. #### inject.transform.less The default transform function for files into `less`. #### inject.transform.sass The default transform function for files into `sass`. #### inject.transform.scss The default transform function for files into `scss`. ## License [MIT](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License) © [Joakim Carlstein](http://joakim.beng.se) [npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/gulp-inject [npm-image]: https://badge.fury.io/js/gulp-inject.svg [travis-url]: http://travis-ci.org/klei/gulp-inject [travis-image]: https://secure.travis-ci.org/klei/gulp-inject.svg?branch=master [depstat-url]: https://david-dm.org/klei/gulp-inject [depstat-image]: https://david-dm.org/klei/gulp-inject.svg [codestyle-url]: https://github.com/sindresorhus/xo [codestyle-image]: https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-XO-5ed9c7.svg?style=flat