chai.should() describe "Dropzone", -> getMockFile = -> status: Dropzone.ADDED accepted: true name: "test file name" size: 123456 type: "text/html" upload: filename: "test file name" xhr = null beforeEach -> xhr = sinon.useFakeXMLHttpRequest() describe "Emitter", -> emitter = null beforeEach -> emitter = new Dropzone::Emitter() it ".on() should return the object itself", -> (emitter.on "test", ->).should.equal emitter it ".on() should properly register listeners", -> (emitter._callbacks == undefined) callback = -> callback2 = -> emitter.on "test", callback emitter.on "test", callback2 emitter.on "test2", callback emitter._callbacks.test.length.should.equal 2 emitter._callbacks.test[0].should.equal callback emitter._callbacks.test[1].should.equal callback2 emitter._callbacks.test2.length.should.equal 1 emitter._callbacks.test2[0].should.equal callback it ".emit() should return the object itself", -> emitter.emit('test').should.equal emitter it ".emit() should properly invoke all registered callbacks with arguments", -> callCount1 = 0 callCount12 = 0 callCount2 = 0 callback1 = (var1, var2) -> callCount1++ var1.should.equal 'callback1 var1' var2.should.equal 'callback1 var2' callback12 = (var1, var2) -> callCount12++ var1.should.equal 'callback1 var1' var2.should.equal 'callback1 var2' callback2 = (var1, var2) -> callCount2++ var1.should.equal 'callback2 var1' var2.should.equal 'callback2 var2' emitter.on "test1", callback1 emitter.on "test1", callback12 emitter.on "test2", callback2 callCount1.should.equal 0 callCount12.should.equal 0 callCount2.should.equal 0 emitter.emit "test1", "callback1 var1", "callback1 var2" callCount1.should.equal 1 callCount12.should.equal 1 callCount2.should.equal 0 emitter.emit "test2", "callback2 var1", "callback2 var2" callCount1.should.equal 1 callCount12.should.equal 1 callCount2.should.equal 1 emitter.emit "test1", "callback1 var1", "callback1 var2" callCount1.should.equal 2 callCount12.should.equal 2 callCount2.should.equal 1 describe ".off()", -> callback1 = -> callback2 = -> callback3 = -> callback4 = -> beforeEach -> emitter._callbacks = 'test1': [ callback1, callback2 ] 'test2': [ callback3 ] 'test3': [ callback1, callback4 ] 'test4': [ ] it "should work without any listeners", -> emitter._callbacks = undefined emt = emitter._callbacks.should.eql {} emt.should.equal emitter it "should properly remove all event listeners", -> emt = emitter._callbacks.should.eql {} emt.should.equal emitter it "should properly remove all event listeners for specific event", -> "test1" (emitter._callbacks["test1"] == undefined) emitter._callbacks["test2"].length.should.equal 1 emitter._callbacks["test3"].length.should.equal 2 emt = "test2" (emitter._callbacks["test2"] == undefined) emt.should.equal emitter it "should properly remove specific event listener", -> "test1", callback1 emitter._callbacks["test1"].length.should.equal 1 emitter._callbacks["test1"][0].should.equal callback2 emitter._callbacks["test3"].length.should.equal 2 emt = "test3", callback4 emitter._callbacks["test3"].length.should.equal 1 emitter._callbacks["test3"][0].should.equal callback1 emt.should.equal emitter describe "static functions", -> describe "Dropzone.createElement()", -> element = Dropzone.createElement """
""" it "should properly create an element from a string", -> element.tagName.should.equal "DIV" it "should properly add the correct class", -> element.classList.contains("test") it "should properly create child elements", -> element.querySelector("span").tagName.should.equal "SPAN" it "should always return only one element", -> element = Dropzone.createElement """
""" element.tagName.should.equal "DIV" describe "Dropzone.elementInside()", -> element = Dropzone.createElement """
""" document.body.appendChild element child1 = element.querySelector ".child1" child2 = element.querySelector ".child2" after -> document.body.removeChild element it "should return yes if elements are the same", -> Dropzone.elementInside(element, element) it "should return yes if element is direct child", -> Dropzone.elementInside(child1, element) it "should return yes if element is some child", -> Dropzone.elementInside(child2, element) Dropzone.elementInside(child2, document.body) it "should return no unless element is some child", -> Dropzone.elementInside(element, child1) Dropzone.elementInside(document.body, child1) describe "Dropzone.optionsForElement()", -> testOptions = url: "/some/url" method: "put" before -> Dropzone.options.testElement = testOptions after -> delete Dropzone.options.testElement element = document.createElement "div" it "should take options set in Dropzone.options from camelized id", -> = "test-element" Dropzone.optionsForElement(element).should.equal testOptions it "should return undefined if no options set", -> = "test-element2" expect(Dropzone.optionsForElement(element)).to.equal undefined it "should return undefined and not throw if it's a form with an input element of the name 'id'", -> element = Dropzone.createElement """
""" expect(Dropzone.optionsForElement(element)).to.equal undefined it "should ignore input fields with the name='id'", -> element = Dropzone.createElement """
""" Dropzone.optionsForElement(element).should.equal testOptions describe "Dropzone.forElement()", -> element = document.createElement "div" = "some-test-element" dropzone = null before -> document.body.appendChild element dropzone = new Dropzone element, url: "/test" after -> dropzone.disable() document.body.removeChild element it "should throw an exception if no dropzone attached", -> expect(-> Dropzone.forElement document.createElement "div").to.throw "No Dropzone found for given element. This is probably because you're trying to access it before Dropzone had the time to initialize. Use the `init` option to setup any additional observers on your Dropzone." it "should accept css selectors", -> expect(Dropzone.forElement "#some-test-element").to.equal dropzone it "should accept native elements", -> expect(Dropzone.forElement element).to.equal dropzone describe "", -> element1 = document.createElement "div" element1.className = "dropzone" element2 = element1.cloneNode() element3 = element1.cloneNode() = "test-element-1" = "test-element-2" = "test-element-3" describe "specific options", -> before -> Dropzone.options.testElement1 = url: "test-url" Dropzone.options.testElement2 = false # Disabled document.body.appendChild element1 document.body.appendChild element2 after -> document.body.removeChild element1 document.body.removeChild element2 it "should find elements with a .dropzone class", -> it "should not create dropzones with disabled options", -> expect(element2.dropzone) describe "Dropzone.autoDiscover", -> before -> Dropzone.options.testElement3 = url: "test-url" document.body.appendChild element3 after -> document.body.removeChild element3 it "should create dropzones even if Dropzone.autoDiscover == false", -> # Because the check is in the actual contentLoaded function. Dropzone.autoDiscover = off expect(element3.dropzone) it "should not automatically be called if Dropzone.autoDiscover == false", -> Dropzone.autoDiscover = off = -> expect(false) Dropzone._autoDiscoverFunction() describe "Dropzone.isValidFile()", -> it "should return true if called without acceptedFiles", -> Dropzone.isValidFile({ type: "some/type" }, null) it "should properly validate if called with concrete mime types", -> acceptedMimeTypes = "text/html,image/jpeg,application/json" Dropzone.isValidFile({ type: "text/html" }, acceptedMimeTypes) Dropzone.isValidFile({ type: "image/jpeg" }, acceptedMimeTypes) Dropzone.isValidFile({ type: "application/json" }, acceptedMimeTypes) Dropzone.isValidFile({ type: "image/bmp" }, acceptedMimeTypes) it "should properly validate if called with base mime types", -> acceptedMimeTypes = "text/*,image/*,application/*" Dropzone.isValidFile({ type: "text/html" }, acceptedMimeTypes) Dropzone.isValidFile({ type: "image/jpeg" }, acceptedMimeTypes) Dropzone.isValidFile({ type: "application/json" }, acceptedMimeTypes) Dropzone.isValidFile({ type: "image/bmp" }, acceptedMimeTypes) Dropzone.isValidFile({ type: "some/type" }, acceptedMimeTypes) it "should properly validate if called with mixed mime types", -> acceptedMimeTypes = "text/*,image/jpeg,application/*" Dropzone.isValidFile({ type: "text/html" }, acceptedMimeTypes) Dropzone.isValidFile({ type: "image/jpeg" }, acceptedMimeTypes) Dropzone.isValidFile({ type: "image/bmp" }, acceptedMimeTypes) Dropzone.isValidFile({ type: "application/json" }, acceptedMimeTypes) Dropzone.isValidFile({ type: "some/type" }, acceptedMimeTypes) it "should properly validate even with spaces in between", -> acceptedMimeTypes = "text/html , image/jpeg, application/json" Dropzone.isValidFile({ type: "text/html" }, acceptedMimeTypes) Dropzone.isValidFile({ type: "image/jpeg" }, acceptedMimeTypes) it "should properly validate extensions", -> acceptedMimeTypes = "text/html , image/jpeg, .pdf ,.png" Dropzone.isValidFile({ name: "somxsfsd", type: "text/html" }, acceptedMimeTypes) Dropzone.isValidFile({ name: "somesdfsdf", type: "image/jpeg" }, acceptedMimeTypes) Dropzone.isValidFile({ name: "somesdfadfadf", type: "application/json" }, acceptedMimeTypes) Dropzone.isValidFile({ name: "some-file file.pdf", type: "random/type" }, acceptedMimeTypes) # .pdf has to be in the end Dropzone.isValidFile({ name: "some-file.pdf file.gif", type: "random/type" }, acceptedMimeTypes) Dropzone.isValidFile({ name: "some-file file.png", type: "random/type" }, acceptedMimeTypes) describe "Dropzone.confirm", -> beforeEach -> sinon.stub window, "confirm" afterEach -> window.confirm.restore() it "should forward to window.confirm and call the callbacks accordingly", -> accepted = rejected = no window.confirm.returns yes Dropzone.confirm "test question", (-> accepted = yes), (-> rejected = yes) window.confirm.args[0][0].should.equal "test question" accepted.should.equal yes rejected.should.equal no accepted = rejected = no window.confirm.returns no Dropzone.confirm "test question 2", (-> accepted = yes), (-> rejected = yes) window.confirm.args[1][0].should.equal "test question 2" accepted.should.equal no rejected.should.equal yes it "should not error if rejected is not provided", -> accepted = rejected = no window.confirm.returns no Dropzone.confirm "test question", (-> accepted = yes) window.confirm.args[0][0].should.equal "test question" # Nothing should have changed since there is no rejected function. accepted.should.equal no rejected.should.equal no describe "Dropzone.getElement() / getElements()", -> tmpElements = [ ] beforeEach -> tmpElements = [ ] tmpElements.push Dropzone.createElement """
""" tmpElements.push Dropzone.createElement """
""" tmpElements.push Dropzone.createElement """
""" tmpElements.forEach (el) -> document.body.appendChild el afterEach -> tmpElements.forEach (el) -> document.body.removeChild el describe ".getElement()", -> it "should accept a string", -> el = Dropzone.getElement ".tmptest" el.should.equal tmpElements[0] el = Dropzone.getElement "#tmptest1" el.should.equal tmpElements[1] it "should accept a node", -> el = Dropzone.getElement tmpElements[2] el.should.equal tmpElements[2] it "should fail if invalid selector", -> errorMessage = "Invalid `clickable` option provided. Please provide a CSS selector or a plain HTML element." expect(-> Dropzone.getElement "lblasdlfsfl", "clickable").to.throw errorMessage expect(-> Dropzone.getElement { "lblasdlfsfl" }, "clickable").to.throw errorMessage expect(-> Dropzone.getElement [ "lblasdlfsfl" ], "clickable").to.throw errorMessage describe ".getElements()", -> it "should accept a list of strings", -> els = Dropzone.getElements [ ".tmptest", "#tmptest1" ] els.should.eql [ tmpElements[0], tmpElements[1] ] it "should accept a list of nodes", -> els = Dropzone.getElements [ tmpElements[0], tmpElements[2] ] els.should.eql [ tmpElements[0], tmpElements[2] ] it "should accept a mixed list", -> els = Dropzone.getElements [ "#tmptest1", tmpElements[2] ] els.should.eql [ tmpElements[1], tmpElements[2] ] it "should accept a string selector", -> els = Dropzone.getElements ".random" els.should.eql [ tmpElements[1], tmpElements[2] ] it "should accept a single node", -> els = Dropzone.getElements tmpElements[1] els.should.eql [ tmpElements[1] ] it "should fail if invalid selector", -> errorMessage = "Invalid `clickable` option provided. Please provide a CSS selector, a plain HTML element or a list of those." expect(-> Dropzone.getElements "lblasdlfsfl", "clickable").to.throw errorMessage expect(-> Dropzone.getElements [ "lblasdlfsfl" ], "clickable").to.throw errorMessage describe "constructor()", -> dropzone = null afterEach -> dropzone.destroy() if dropzone? it "should throw an exception if the element is invalid", -> expect(-> dropzone = new Dropzone "#invalid-element").to.throw "Invalid dropzone element." it "should throw an exception if assigned twice to the same element", -> element = document.createElement "div" dropzone = new Dropzone element, url: "url" expect(-> new Dropzone element, url: "url").to.throw "Dropzone already attached." it "should throw an exception if both acceptedFiles and acceptedMimeTypes are specified", -> element = document.createElement "div" expect(-> dropzone = new Dropzone element, url: "test", acceptedFiles: "param", acceptedMimeTypes: "types").to.throw "You can't provide both 'acceptedFiles' and 'acceptedMimeTypes'. 'acceptedMimeTypes' is deprecated." it "should set itself as element.dropzone", -> element = document.createElement "div" dropzone = new Dropzone element, url: "url" element.dropzone.should.equal dropzone it "should add itself to Dropzone.instances", -> element = document.createElement "div" dropzone = new Dropzone element, url: "url" Dropzone.instances[Dropzone.instances.length - 1].should.equal dropzone it "should use the action attribute not the element with the name action", -> element = Dropzone.createElement """
""" dropzone = new Dropzone element dropzone.options.url.should.equal "real-action" describe "options", -> element = null element2 = null beforeEach -> element = document.createElement "div" = "test-element" element2 = document.createElement "div" = "test-element2" Dropzone.options.testElement = url: "/some/url", parallelUploads: 10 afterEach -> delete Dropzone.options.testElement it "should take the options set in Dropzone.options", -> dropzone = new Dropzone element dropzone.options.url.should.equal "/some/url" dropzone.options.parallelUploads.should.equal 10 it "should prefer passed options over Dropzone.options", -> dropzone = new Dropzone element, url: "/some/other/url" dropzone.options.url.should.equal "/some/other/url" it "should take the default options if nothing set in Dropzone.options", -> dropzone = new Dropzone element2, url: "/some/url" dropzone.options.parallelUploads.should.equal 2 it "should call the fallback function if forceFallback == true", (done) -> dropzone = new Dropzone element, url: "/some/other/url" forceFallback: on fallback: -> done() it "should set acceptedFiles if deprecated acceptedMimetypes option has been passed", -> dropzone = new Dropzone element, url: "/some/other/url" acceptedMimeTypes: "my/type" dropzone.options.acceptedFiles.should.equal "my/type" describe "options.clickable", -> clickableElement = null dropzone = null beforeEach -> clickableElement = document.createElement "div" clickableElement.className = "some-clickable" document.body.appendChild clickableElement afterEach -> document.body.removeChild clickableElement dropzone.destroy if dropzone? it "should use the default element if clickable == true", -> dropzone = new Dropzone element, clickable: yes dropzone.clickableElements.should.eql [ dropzone.element ] it "should lookup the element if clickable is a CSS selector", -> dropzone = new Dropzone element, clickable: ".some-clickable" dropzone.clickableElements.should.eql [ clickableElement ] it "should simply use the provided element", -> dropzone = new Dropzone element, clickable: clickableElement dropzone.clickableElements.should.eql [ clickableElement ] it "should accept multiple clickable elements", -> dropzone = new Dropzone element, clickable: [ document.body, ".some-clickable" ] dropzone.clickableElements.should.eql [ document.body, clickableElement ] it "should throw an exception if the element is invalid", -> expect(-> dropzone = new Dropzone element, clickable: ".some-invalid-clickable").to.throw "Invalid `clickable` option provided. Please provide a CSS selector, a plain HTML element or a list of those." describe "init()", -> describe "clickable", -> dropzones = "using acceptedFiles": new Dropzone(Dropzone.createElement("""
"""), { clickable: yes, acceptedFiles: "audio/*,video/*" }) "using acceptedMimeTypes": new Dropzone(Dropzone.createElement("""
"""), { clickable: yes, acceptedMimeTypes: "audio/*,video/*" }) it "should not add an accept attribute if no acceptParameter", -> dropzone = new Dropzone (Dropzone.createElement """
"""), clickable: yes, acceptParameter: null, acceptedMimeTypes: null dropzone.hiddenFileInput.hasAttribute("accept") for name, dropzone of dropzones describe name, -> do (dropzone) -> it "should create a hidden file input if clickable", -> dropzone.hiddenFileInput.tagName.should.equal "INPUT" it "should use the acceptParameter", -> dropzone.hiddenFileInput.getAttribute("accept").should.equal "audio/*,video/*" it "should create a new input element when something is selected to reset the input field", -> for i in [0..3] hiddenFileInput = dropzone.hiddenFileInput event = document.createEvent "HTMLEvents" event.initEvent "change", true, true hiddenFileInput.dispatchEvent event dropzone.hiddenFileInput.should.not.equal hiddenFileInput Dropzone.elementInside(hiddenFileInput, document) it "should create a .dz-message element", -> element = Dropzone.createElement """
""" dropzone = new Dropzone element, clickable: yes, acceptParameter: null, acceptedMimeTypes: null element.querySelector(".dz-message") Element it "should not create a .dz-message element if there already is one", -> element = Dropzone.createElement """
""" msg = Dropzone.createElement """
""" element.appendChild msg dropzone = new Dropzone element, clickable: yes, acceptParameter: null, acceptedMimeTypes: null element.querySelector(".dz-message").should.equal msg element.querySelectorAll(".dz-message").length.should.equal 1 describe "options", -> element = null dropzone = null beforeEach -> element = Dropzone.createElement """
""" dropzone = new Dropzone element, maxFilesize: 4, url: "url", acceptedMimeTypes: "audio/*,image/png", maxFiles: 3 describe "file specific", -> file = null beforeEach -> file = name: "test name" size: 2 * 1024 * 1024 width: 200 height: 100 upload: filename: "test name" dropzone, file describe ".addedFile()", -> it "should properly create the previewElement", -> Element file.previewElement.querySelector("[data-dz-name]").innerHTML.should.eql "test name" file.previewElement.querySelector("[data-dz-size]").innerHTML.should.eql "2.1 MB" describe ".error()", -> it "should properly insert the error", -> dropzone, file, "test message" file.previewElement.querySelector("[data-dz-errormessage]").innerHTML.should.eql "test message" it "should properly insert the error when provided with an object containing the error", -> dropzone, file, error: "test message" file.previewElement.querySelector("[data-dz-errormessage]").innerHTML.should.eql "test message" describe ".thumbnail()", -> it "should properly insert the error", -> transparentGif = "" dropzone, file, transparentGif thumbnail = file.previewElement.querySelector("[data-dz-thumbnail]") thumbnail.src.should.eql transparentGif thumbnail.alt.should.eql "test name" describe ".uploadprogress()", -> it "should properly set the width", -> dropzone, file, 0 file.previewElement.querySelector("[data-dz-uploadprogress]").style.width.should.eql "0%" dropzone, file, 80 file.previewElement.querySelector("[data-dz-uploadprogress]").style.width.should.eql "80%" dropzone, file, 90 file.previewElement.querySelector("[data-dz-uploadprogress]").style.width.should.eql "90%" dropzone, file, 100 file.previewElement.querySelector("[data-dz-uploadprogress]").style.width.should.eql "100%" describe ".resize()", -> describe "with default thumbnail settings", -> it "should properly return target dimensions for 'contain'", -> info = dropzone, file, 120, 120, 'crop' info.trgWidth.should.eql 120 info.trgHeight.should.eql 100 info = dropzone, file, 100, 100, 'crop' info.trgWidth.should.eql 100 info.trgHeight.should.eql 100 it "should properly return target dimensions for 'contain'", -> info = dropzone, file, 120, 120, 'contain' info.trgWidth.should.eql 120 info.trgHeight.should.eql 60 info = dropzone, file, 100, 100, 'contain' info.trgWidth.should.eql 100 info.trgHeight.should.eql 50 describe "with null thumbnail settings", -> it "should properly return target dimensions for crop", -> testSettings = [ [null, null], [null, 80], [150, null] ] for setting, i in testSettings info = dropzone, file, setting[0], setting[1], 'crop' if i is 0 info.trgWidth.should.eql 200 info.trgHeight.should.eql 100 if i is 1 info.trgWidth.should.eql 160 info.trgHeight.should.eql 80 if i is 2 info.trgWidth.should.eql 150 info.trgHeight.should.eql 75 it "should properly return target dimensions for contain", -> testSettings = [ [null, 80], [150, null] ] for setting, i in testSettings info = dropzone, file, setting[0], setting[1], 'contain' if i is 0 info.trgWidth.should.eql 160 info.trgHeight.should.eql 80 if i is 1 info.trgWidth.should.eql 150 info.trgHeight.should.eql 75 describe "instance", -> element = null dropzone = null requests = null beforeEach -> requests = [ ] xhr.onCreate = (xhr) -> requests.push xhr element = Dropzone.createElement """
""" document.body.appendChild element dropzone = new Dropzone element, maxFilesize: 4, maxFiles: 100, url: "url", acceptedMimeTypes: "audio/*,image/png", uploadprogress: -> afterEach -> document.body.removeChild element dropzone.destroy() xhr.restore() describe ".accept()", -> it "should pass if the filesize is OK", -> dropzone.accept { size: 2 * 1024 * 1024, type: "audio/mp3" }, (err) -> expect(err) it "shouldn't pass if the filesize is too big", -> dropzone.accept { size: 10 * 1024 * 1024, type: "audio/mp3" }, (err) -> err.should.eql "File is too big (10MiB). Max filesize: 4MiB." it "should properly accept files which mime types are listed in acceptedFiles", -> dropzone.accept { type: "audio/mp3" }, (err) -> expect(err) dropzone.accept { type: "image/png" }, (err) -> expect(err) dropzone.accept { type: "audio/wav" }, (err) -> expect(err) it "should properly reject files when the mime type isn't listed in acceptedFiles", -> dropzone.accept { type: "image/jpeg" }, (err) -> err.should.eql "You can't upload files of this type." it "should fail if maxFiles has been exceeded and call the event maxfilesexceeded", -> sinon.stub dropzone, "getAcceptedFiles" file = { type: "audio/mp3" } dropzone.getAcceptedFiles.returns { length: 99 } dropzone.options.dictMaxFilesExceeded = "You can only upload {{maxFiles}} files." called = no dropzone.on "maxfilesexceeded", (lfile) -> lfile.should.equal file called = yes dropzone.accept file, (err) -> expect(err) dropzone.getAcceptedFiles.returns { length: 100 } dropzone.accept file, (err) -> expect(err).to.equal "You can only upload 100 files." dropzone.getAcceptedFiles.restore() it "should properly handle if maxFiles is 0", -> file = { type: "audio/mp3" } dropzone.options.maxFiles = 0 called = no dropzone.on "maxfilesexceeded", (lfile) -> lfile.should.equal file called = yes dropzone.accept file, (err) -> expect(err).to.equal "You can not upload any more files." describe ".removeFile()", -> it "should abort uploading if file is currently being uploaded", (done) -> mockFile = getMockFile() dropzone.uploadFile = (file) -> dropzone.accept = (file, done) -> done() sinon.stub dropzone, "cancelUpload" dropzone.addFile mockFile setTimeout -> mockFile.status.should.equal Dropzone.UPLOADING dropzone.getUploadingFiles()[0].should.equal mockFile dropzone.cancelUpload.callCount.should.equal 0 dropzone.removeFile mockFile dropzone.cancelUpload.callCount.should.equal 1 done() , 10 describe ".cancelUpload()", -> it "should properly cancel upload if file currently uploading", (done) -> mockFile = getMockFile() dropzone.accept = (file, done) -> done() dropzone.addFile mockFile setTimeout -> mockFile.status.should.equal Dropzone.UPLOADING dropzone.getUploadingFiles()[0].should.equal mockFile dropzone.cancelUpload mockFile mockFile.status.should.equal Dropzone.CANCELED dropzone.getUploadingFiles().length.should.equal 0 dropzone.getQueuedFiles().length.should.equal 0 done() , 10 it "should properly cancel the upload if file is not yet uploading", -> mockFile = getMockFile() dropzone.accept = (file, done) -> done() # Making sure the file stays in the queue. dropzone.options.parallelUploads = 0 dropzone.addFile mockFile mockFile.status.should.equal Dropzone.QUEUED dropzone.getQueuedFiles()[0].should.equal mockFile dropzone.cancelUpload mockFile mockFile.status.should.equal Dropzone.CANCELED dropzone.getQueuedFiles().length.should.equal 0 dropzone.getUploadingFiles().length.should.equal 0 it "should call processQueue()", (done) -> mockFile = getMockFile() dropzone.accept = (file, done) -> done() # Making sure the file stays in the queue. dropzone.options.parallelUploads = 0 sinon.spy dropzone, "processQueue" dropzone.addFile mockFile setTimeout -> dropzone.processQueue.callCount.should.equal 1 dropzone.cancelUpload mockFile dropzone.processQueue.callCount.should.equal 2 done() , 10 it "should properly cancel all files with the same XHR if uploadMultiple is true", (done) -> mock1 = getMockFile() mock2 = getMockFile() mock3 = getMockFile() dropzone.accept = (file, done) -> done() # Making sure the file stays in the queue. dropzone.options.uploadMultiple = yes dropzone.options.parallelUploads = 3 sinon.spy dropzone, "processFiles" dropzone.addFile mock1 dropzone.addFile mock2 dropzone.addFile mock3 setTimeout -> dropzone.processFiles.callCount.should.equal 1 sinon.spy mock1.xhr, "abort" dropzone.cancelUpload mock1 expect(mock1.xhr == mock2.xhr == mock3.xhr) mock1.status.should.equal Dropzone.CANCELED mock2.status.should.equal Dropzone.CANCELED mock3.status.should.equal Dropzone.CANCELED # The XHR should only be aborted once! mock1.xhr.abort.callCount.should.equal 1 done() , 10 describe ".disable()", -> it "should properly cancel all pending uploads", (done) -> dropzone.accept = (file, done) -> done() dropzone.options.parallelUploads = 1 dropzone.addFile getMockFile() dropzone.addFile getMockFile() setTimeout -> dropzone.getUploadingFiles().length.should.equal 1 dropzone.getQueuedFiles().length.should.equal 1 dropzone.files.length.should.equal 2 sinon.spy requests[0], "abort" requests[0].abort.callCount.should.equal 0 dropzone.disable() requests[0].abort.callCount.should.equal 1 dropzone.getUploadingFiles().length.should.equal 0 dropzone.getQueuedFiles().length.should.equal 0 dropzone.files.length.should.equal 2 dropzone.files[0].status.should.equal Dropzone.CANCELED dropzone.files[1].status.should.equal Dropzone.CANCELED done() , 10 describe ".destroy()", -> it "should properly cancel all pending uploads and remove all file references", (done) -> dropzone.accept = (file, done) -> done() dropzone.options.parallelUploads = 1 dropzone.addFile getMockFile() dropzone.addFile getMockFile() setTimeout -> dropzone.getUploadingFiles().length.should.equal 1 dropzone.getQueuedFiles().length.should.equal 1 dropzone.files.length.should.equal 2 sinon.spy dropzone, "disable" dropzone.destroy() dropzone.disable.callCount.should.equal 1 "dropzone" done() , 10 it "should be able to create instance of dropzone on the same element after destroy", -> dropzone.destroy() ( -> new Dropzone element, maxFilesize: 4, url: "url", acceptedMimeTypes: "audio/*,image/png", uploadprogress: -> ).should.not.throw( Error ) it "should remove itself from Dropzone.instances", -> (Dropzone.instances.indexOf(dropzone) != -1) dropzone.destroy() (Dropzone.instances.indexOf(dropzone) == -1) describe ".filesize()", -> it "should handle files with 0 size properly", -> dropzone.filesize(0).should.eql "0 b" it "should convert to KiloBytes, etc..", -> dropzone.options.filesizeBase.should.eql 1000 # Just making sure the default config is correct dropzone.filesize(2 * 1000 * 1000).should.eql "2 MB" dropzone.filesize(2 * 1024 * 1024).should.eql "2.1 MB" dropzone.filesize(2 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000).should.eql "2 GB" dropzone.filesize(2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024).should.eql "2.1 GB" dropzone.filesize(2.5111 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000).should.eql "2.5 GB" dropzone.filesize(1.1 * 1000).should.eql "1.1 KB" dropzone.filesize(999 * 1000).should.eql "1 MB" it "should convert to KibiBytes, etc.. when the filesizeBase is changed to 1024", -> dropzone.options.filesizeBase = 1024 dropzone.filesize(2 * 1024 * 1024).should.eql "2 MB" dropzone.filesize(2 * 1000 * 1000).should.eql "1.9 MB" describe "._updateMaxFilesReachedClass()", -> it "should properly add the dz-max-files-reached class", -> dropzone.getAcceptedFiles = -> length: 10 dropzone.options.maxFiles = 10 dropzone.element.classList.contains("dz-max-files-reached") dropzone._updateMaxFilesReachedClass() dropzone.element.classList.contains("dz-max-files-reached") it "should fire the 'maxfilesreached' event when appropriate", -> spy = sinon.spy() dropzone.on "maxfilesreached", -> spy() dropzone.getAcceptedFiles = -> length: 9 dropzone.options.maxFiles = 10 dropzone._updateMaxFilesReachedClass() spy.should.not.have.been.called dropzone.getAcceptedFiles = -> length: 10 dropzone._updateMaxFilesReachedClass() spy.should.have.been.called dropzone.getAcceptedFiles = -> length: 11 dropzone._updateMaxFilesReachedClass() spy.should.have.been.calledOnce #ie, it has not been called again it "should properly remove the dz-max-files-reached class", -> dropzone.getAcceptedFiles = -> length: 10 dropzone.options.maxFiles = 10 dropzone.element.classList.contains("dz-max-files-reached") dropzone._updateMaxFilesReachedClass() dropzone.element.classList.contains("dz-max-files-reached") dropzone.getAcceptedFiles = -> length: 9 dropzone._updateMaxFilesReachedClass() dropzone.element.classList.contains("dz-max-files-reached") describe "events", -> describe "progress updates", -> it "should properly emit a totaluploadprogress event", (done) -> dropzone.files = [ { size: 1990 accepted: true status: Dropzone.UPLOADING upload: progress: 20 total: 2000 # The bytes to upload are higher than the file size bytesSent: 400 } { size: 1990 accepted: true status: Dropzone.UPLOADING upload: progress: 10 total: 2000 # The bytes to upload are higher than the file size bytesSent: 200 } ] _called = 0 dropzone.on "totaluploadprogress", (progress) -> progress.should.equal totalProgressExpectation done() if ++_called == 3 totalProgressExpectation = 15 dropzone.emit "uploadprogress", { } totalProgressExpectation = 97.5 dropzone.files[0].upload.bytesSent = 2000 dropzone.files[1].upload.bytesSent = 1900 # It shouldn't matter that progress is not properly updated since the total size # should be calculated from the bytes dropzone.emit "uploadprogress", { } totalProgressExpectation = 100 dropzone.files[0].upload.bytesSent = 2000 dropzone.files[1].upload.bytesSent = 2000 # It shouldn't matter that progress is not properly updated since the total size # should be calculated from the bytes dropzone.emit "uploadprogress", { } # Just so the afterEach hook doesn't try to cancel them. dropzone.files[0].status = Dropzone.CANCELED dropzone.files[1].status = Dropzone.CANCELED describe "helper function", -> element = null dropzone = null beforeEach -> element = Dropzone.createElement """
""" dropzone = new Dropzone element, url: "url" describe "getExistingFallback()", -> it "should return undefined if no fallback", -> expect(dropzone.getExistingFallback()).to.equal undefined it "should only return the fallback element if it contains exactly fallback", -> element.appendChild Dropzone.createElement """
""" element.appendChild Dropzone.createElement """
""" expect(dropzone.getExistingFallback()).to.equal undefined it "should return divs as fallback", -> fallback = Dropzone.createElement """
""" element.appendChild fallback fallback.should.equal dropzone.getExistingFallback() it "should return forms as fallback", -> fallback = Dropzone.createElement """
""" element.appendChild fallback fallback.should.equal dropzone.getExistingFallback() describe "getFallbackForm()", -> it "should use the paramName without [0] if uploadMultiple is false", -> dropzone.options.uploadMultiple = false dropzone.options.paramName = "myFile" fallback = dropzone.getFallbackForm() fileInput = fallback.querySelector "input[type=file]" "myFile" it "should properly add [0] to the file name if uploadMultiple is true", -> dropzone.options.uploadMultiple = yes dropzone.options.paramName = "myFile" fallback = dropzone.getFallbackForm() fileInput = fallback.querySelector "input[type=file]" "myFile[0]" describe "getAcceptedFiles() / getRejectedFiles()", -> mock1 = mock2 = mock3 = mock4 = null beforeEach -> mock1 = getMockFile() mock2 = getMockFile() mock3 = getMockFile() mock4 = getMockFile() dropzone.options.accept = (file, done) -> if file in [ mock1, mock3 ] done() else done "error" dropzone.addFile mock1 dropzone.addFile mock2 dropzone.addFile mock3 dropzone.addFile mock4 it "getAcceptedFiles() should only return accepted files", -> dropzone.getAcceptedFiles().should.eql [ mock1, mock3 ] it "getRejectedFiles() should only return rejected files", -> dropzone.getRejectedFiles().should.eql [ mock2, mock4 ] describe "getQueuedFiles()", -> it "should return all files with the status Dropzone.QUEUED", -> mock1 = getMockFile() mock2 = getMockFile() mock3 = getMockFile() mock4 = getMockFile() dropzone.options.accept = (file, done) -> file.done = done dropzone.addFile mock1 dropzone.addFile mock2 dropzone.addFile mock3 dropzone.addFile mock4 dropzone.getQueuedFiles().should.eql [ ] mock1.done() mock3.done() dropzone.getQueuedFiles().should.eql [ mock1, mock3 ] mock1.status.should.equal Dropzone.QUEUED mock3.status.should.equal Dropzone.QUEUED mock2.status.should.equal Dropzone.ADDED mock4.status.should.equal Dropzone.ADDED describe "getUploadingFiles()", -> it "should return all files with the status Dropzone.UPLOADING", (done) -> mock1 = getMockFile() mock2 = getMockFile() mock3 = getMockFile() mock4 = getMockFile() dropzone.options.accept = (file, _done) -> file.done = _done dropzone.uploadFile = -> dropzone.addFile mock1 dropzone.addFile mock2 dropzone.addFile mock3 dropzone.addFile mock4 dropzone.getUploadingFiles().should.eql [ ] mock1.done() mock3.done() setTimeout (-> dropzone.getUploadingFiles().should.eql [ mock1, mock3 ] mock1.status.should.equal Dropzone.UPLOADING mock3.status.should.equal Dropzone.UPLOADING mock2.status.should.equal Dropzone.ADDED mock4.status.should.equal Dropzone.ADDED done() ), 10 describe "getActiveFiles()", -> it "should return all files with the status Dropzone.UPLOADING or Dropzone.QUEUED", (done) -> mock1 = getMockFile() mock2 = getMockFile() mock3 = getMockFile() mock4 = getMockFile() dropzone.options.accept = (file, _done) -> file.done = _done dropzone.uploadFile = -> dropzone.options.parallelUploads = 2 dropzone.addFile mock1 dropzone.addFile mock2 dropzone.addFile mock3 dropzone.addFile mock4 dropzone.getActiveFiles().should.eql [ ] mock1.done() mock3.done() mock4.done() setTimeout (-> dropzone.getActiveFiles().should.eql [ mock1, mock3, mock4 ] mock1.status.should.equal Dropzone.UPLOADING mock3.status.should.equal Dropzone.UPLOADING mock2.status.should.equal Dropzone.ADDED mock4.status.should.equal Dropzone.QUEUED done() ), 10 describe "getFilesWithStatus()", -> it "should return all files with provided status", -> mock1 = getMockFile() mock2 = getMockFile() mock3 = getMockFile() mock4 = getMockFile() dropzone.options.accept = (file, _done) -> file.done = _done dropzone.uploadFile = -> dropzone.addFile mock1 dropzone.addFile mock2 dropzone.addFile mock3 dropzone.addFile mock4 dropzone.getFilesWithStatus(Dropzone.ADDED).should.eql [ mock1, mock2, mock3, mock4 ] mock1.status = Dropzone.UPLOADING mock3.status = Dropzone.QUEUED mock4.status = Dropzone.QUEUED dropzone.getFilesWithStatus(Dropzone.ADDED).should.eql [ mock2 ] dropzone.getFilesWithStatus(Dropzone.UPLOADING).should.eql [ mock1 ] dropzone.getFilesWithStatus(Dropzone.QUEUED).should.eql [ mock3, mock4 ] describe "file handling", -> mockFile = null dropzone = null beforeEach -> mockFile = getMockFile() element = Dropzone.createElement """
""" dropzone = new Dropzone element, url: "/the/url" afterEach -> dropzone.destroy() describe "addFile()", -> it "should properly set the status of the file", -> doneFunction = null dropzone.accept = (file, done) -> doneFunction = done dropzone.processFile = -> dropzone.uploadFile = -> dropzone.addFile mockFile mockFile.status.should.eql Dropzone.ADDED doneFunction() mockFile.status.should.eql Dropzone.QUEUED mockFile = getMockFile() dropzone.addFile mockFile mockFile.status.should.eql Dropzone.ADDED doneFunction("error") mockFile.status.should.eql Dropzone.ERROR it "should properly set the status of the file if autoProcessQueue is false and not call processQueue", (done) -> doneFunction = null dropzone.options.autoProcessQueue = false dropzone.accept = (file, done) -> doneFunction = done dropzone.processFile = -> dropzone.uploadFile = -> dropzone.addFile mockFile sinon.stub dropzone, "processQueue" mockFile.status.should.eql Dropzone.ADDED doneFunction() mockFile.status.should.eql Dropzone.QUEUED dropzone.processQueue.callCount.should.equal 0 setTimeout (-> dropzone.processQueue.callCount.should.equal 0 done() ), 10 it "should not add the file to the queue if autoQueue is false", -> doneFunction = null dropzone.options.autoQueue = false dropzone.accept = (file, done) -> doneFunction = done dropzone.processFile = -> dropzone.uploadFile = -> dropzone.addFile mockFile mockFile.status.should.eql Dropzone.ADDED doneFunction() mockFile.status.should.eql Dropzone.ADDED it "should create a remove link if configured to do so", -> dropzone.options.addRemoveLinks = true dropzone.processFile = -> dropzone.uploadFile = -> sinon.stub dropzone, "processQueue" dropzone.addFile mockFile dropzone.files[0].previewElement.querySelector("a[data-dz-remove].dz-remove") it "should attach an event handler to data-dz-remove links", -> dropzone.options.previewTemplate = """
""" sinon.stub dropzone, "processQueue" dropzone.addFile mockFile file = dropzone.files[0] removeLink1 = file.previewElement.querySelector("a[data-dz-remove].link1") removeLink2 = file.previewElement.querySelector("a[data-dz-remove].link2") sinon.stub dropzone, "removeFile" event = document.createEvent "HTMLEvents" event.initEvent "click", true, true removeLink1.dispatchEvent event dropzone.removeFile.callCount.should.eql 1 event = document.createEvent "HTMLEvents" event.initEvent "click", true, true removeLink2.dispatchEvent event dropzone.removeFile.callCount.should.eql 2 describe "thumbnails", -> it "should properly queue the thumbnail creation", (done) -> doneFunction = null dropzone.accept = (file, done) -> doneFunction = done dropzone.processFile = -> dropzone.uploadFile = -> mock1 = getMockFile() mock2 = getMockFile() mock3 = getMockFile() mock1.type = "image/jpg" mock2.type = "image/jpg" mock3.type = "image/jpg" ct_file = ct_callback = null dropzone.createThumbnail = (file, thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight, resizeMethod, fixOrientation, callback) -> ct_file = file ct_callback = callback sinon.spy dropzone, "createThumbnail" dropzone.addFile mock1 dropzone.addFile mock2 dropzone.addFile mock3 dropzone.files.length.should.eql 3 setTimeout (-> dropzone.createThumbnail.callCount.should.eql 1 mock1.should.equal ct_file ct_callback() dropzone.createThumbnail.callCount.should.eql 2 mock2.should.equal ct_file ct_callback() dropzone.createThumbnail.callCount.should.eql 3 mock3.should.equal ct_file done() ), 10 describe "when file is SVG", -> it "should use the SVG image itself", (done) -> createBlob = (data, type) -> try new Blob([data], type: type) catch e BlobBuilder = window.BlobBuilder || window.WebKitBlobBuilder || window.MozBlobBuilder || window.MSBlobBuilder builder = new BlobBuilder() builder.append(data.buffer || data) builder.getBlob(type) blob = createBlob('foo', 'image/svg+xml') dropzone.createThumbnail blob, dropzone.options.thumbnailWidth, dropzone.options.thumbnailHeight, 'crop', false, (dataURI, canvas) -> fileReader = new FileReader fileReader.onload = -> fileReader.result.should.equal dataURI done() fileReader.readAsDataURL blob describe "enqueueFile()", -> it "should be wrapped by enqueueFiles()", -> sinon.stub dropzone, "enqueueFile" mock1 = getMockFile() mock2 = getMockFile() mock3 = getMockFile() dropzone.enqueueFiles [ mock1, mock2, mock3 ] dropzone.enqueueFile.callCount.should.equal 3 dropzone.enqueueFile.args[0][0].should.equal mock1 dropzone.enqueueFile.args[1][0].should.equal mock2 dropzone.enqueueFile.args[2][0].should.equal mock3 it "should fail if the file has already been processed", -> mockFile.status = Dropzone.ERROR expect((-> dropzone.enqueueFile(mockFile))).to.throw "This file can't be queued because it has already been processed or was rejected." mockFile.status = Dropzone.COMPLETE expect((-> dropzone.enqueueFile(mockFile))).to.throw "This file can't be queued because it has already been processed or was rejected." mockFile.status = Dropzone.UPLOADING expect((-> dropzone.enqueueFile(mockFile))).to.throw "This file can't be queued because it has already been processed or was rejected." it "should set the status to QUEUED and call processQueue asynchronously if everything's ok", (done) -> mockFile.status = Dropzone.ADDED sinon.stub dropzone, "processQueue" dropzone.processQueue.callCount.should.equal 0 dropzone.enqueueFile mockFile mockFile.status.should.equal Dropzone.QUEUED dropzone.processQueue.callCount.should.equal 0 setTimeout -> dropzone.processQueue.callCount.should.equal 1 done() , 10 describe "uploadFiles()", -> requests = null beforeEach -> requests = [ ] xhr.onCreate = (xhr) -> requests.push xhr afterEach -> xhr.restore() # Removed this test because multiple filenames can be transmitted now # it "should properly urlencode the filename for the headers" it "should be wrapped by uploadFile()", -> sinon.stub dropzone, "uploadFiles" dropzone.uploadFile mockFile dropzone.uploadFiles.callCount.should.equal 1 dropzone.uploadFiles.calledWith([ mockFile ]) it "should use url options if strings", (done) -> dropzone.addFile mockFile setTimeout -> expect(requests.length).to.equal 1 expect(requests[0].url).to.equal dropzone.options.url expect(requests[0].method).to.equal dropzone.options.method done() , 10 it "should call url options if functions", (done) -> method = "PUT" url = "/custom/upload/url" dropzone.options.method = sinon.stub().returns method dropzone.options.url = sinon.stub().returns url dropzone.addFile mockFile setTimeout -> dropzone.options.method.callCount.should.equal 1 dropzone.options.url.callCount.should.equal 1 sinon.assert.calledWith dropzone.options.method, [mockFile] sinon.assert.calledWith dropzone.options.url, [mockFile] expect(requests.length).to.equal 1 expect(requests[0].url).to.equal url expect(requests[0].method).to.equal method done() , 10 it "should use the timeout option", (done) -> dropzone.addFile mockFile setTimeout -> expect(requests.length).to.equal 1 expect(requests[0].timeout).to.equal dropzone.options.timeout done() , 10 it "should ignore the onreadystate callback if readyState != 4", (done) -> dropzone.addFile mockFile setTimeout -> mockFile.status.should.eql Dropzone.UPLOADING requests[0].status = 200 requests[0].readyState = 3 requests[0].responseHeaders = {'content-type': "text/plain"} requests[0].onload() mockFile.status.should.eql Dropzone.UPLOADING requests[0].readyState = 4 requests[0].onload() mockFile.status.should.eql Dropzone.SUCCESS done() , 10 it "should emit error and errormultiple when response was not OK", (done) -> dropzone.options.uploadMultiple = yes error = no errormultiple = no complete = no completemultiple = no dropzone.on "error", -> error = yes dropzone.on "errormultiple", -> errormultiple = yes dropzone.on "complete", -> complete = yes dropzone.on "completemultiple", -> completemultiple = yes dropzone.addFile mockFile setTimeout -> mockFile.status.should.eql Dropzone.UPLOADING requests[0].status = 400 requests[0].readyState = 4 requests[0].responseHeaders = {'content-type': "text/plain"} requests[0].onload() expect(yes == error == errormultiple == complete == completemultiple) done() , 10 it "should include hidden files in the form and unchecked checkboxes and radiobuttons should be excluded", (done) -> element = Dropzone.createElement """
""" dropzone = new Dropzone element, url: "/the/url" formData = null dropzone.on "sending", (file, xhr, tformData) -> formData = tformData sinon.spy tformData, "append" mock1 = getMockFile() dropzone.addFile mock1 setTimeout -> formData.append.callCount.should.equal 5 formData.append.args[0][0].should.eql "test" formData.append.args[0][1].should.eql "hidden" formData.append.args[1][0].should.eql "checked" formData.append.args[1][1].should.eql "value1" formData.append.args[2][0].should.eql "radio1" formData.append.args[2][1].should.eql "radiovalue2" formData.append.args[3][0].should.eql "select" formData.append.args[3][1].should.eql "2" formData.append.args[4][0].should.eql "file" formData.append.args[4][1].should.equal mock1 # formData.append.args[1][0].should.eql "myName[]" done() , 10 it "should all values of a select that has the multiple attribute", (done) -> element = Dropzone.createElement """
""" dropzone = new Dropzone element, url: "/the/url" formData = null dropzone.on "sending", (file, xhr, tformData) -> formData = tformData sinon.spy tformData, "append" mock1 = getMockFile() dropzone.addFile mock1 setTimeout -> formData.append.callCount.should.equal 3 formData.append.args[0][0].should.eql "select" formData.append.args[0][1].should.eql "value2" formData.append.args[1][0].should.eql "select" formData.append.args[1][1].should.eql "value4" formData.append.args[2][0].should.eql "file" formData.append.args[2][1].should.equal mock1 # formData.append.args[1][0].should.eql "myName[]" done() , 10 describe "settings()", -> it "should correctly set `withCredentials` on the xhr object", -> dropzone.uploadFile mockFile requests.length.should.eql 1 requests[0].withCredentials.should.eql no dropzone.options.withCredentials = yes dropzone.uploadFile mockFile requests.length.should.eql 2 requests[1].withCredentials.should.eql yes it "should correctly override headers on the xhr object", -> dropzone.options.headers = {"Foo-Header": "foobar"} dropzone.uploadFile mockFile requests[0].requestHeaders["Foo-Header"].should.eql 'foobar' it "should not set headers on the xhr object that are empty", -> dropzone.options.headers = {"X-Requested-With": null} dropzone.uploadFile mockFile Object.keys(requests[0].requestHeaders).should.not.contain("X-Requested-With") it "should properly use the paramName without [n] as file upload if uploadMultiple is false", (done) -> dropzone.options.uploadMultiple = false dropzone.options.paramName = "myName" formData = [ ] sendingCount = 0 dropzone.on "sending", (files, xhr, tformData) -> sendingCount++ formData.push tformData sinon.spy tformData, "append" mock1 = getMockFile() mock2 = getMockFile() dropzone.addFile mock1 dropzone.addFile mock2 setTimeout -> sendingCount.should.equal 2 formData.length.should.equal 2 formData[0].append.callCount.should.equal 1 formData[1].append.callCount.should.equal 1 formData[0].append.args[0][0].should.eql "myName" formData[0].append.args[0][0].should.eql "myName" done() , 10 it "should properly use the paramName with [n] as file upload if uploadMultiple is true", (done) -> dropzone.options.uploadMultiple = yes dropzone.options.paramName = "myName" formData = null sendingMultipleCount = 0 sendingCount = 0 dropzone.on "sending", (file, xhr, tformData) -> sendingCount++ dropzone.on "sendingmultiple", (files, xhr, tformData) -> sendingMultipleCount++ formData = tformData sinon.spy tformData, "append" mock1 = getMockFile() mock2 = getMockFile() dropzone.addFile mock1 dropzone.addFile mock2 setTimeout -> sendingCount.should.equal 2 sendingMultipleCount.should.equal 1 dropzone.uploadFiles [ mock1, mock2 ] formData.append.callCount.should.equal 2 formData.append.args[0][0].should.eql "myName[0]" formData.append.args[1][0].should.eql "myName[1]" done() , 10 it "should use resizeImage if dimensions are provided", (done) -> sinon.stub dropzone, "resizeImage" sinon.stub dropzone, "createThumbnail" dropzone.options.resizeWidth = 400 mock1 = getMockFile() mock1.type = 'image/jpeg' dropzone.addFile mock1 setTimeout -> dropzone.resizeImage.callCount.should.eql 1 done() , 10 it "should not use resizeImage if dimensions are not provided", (done) -> sinon.stub dropzone, "resizeImage" sinon.stub dropzone, "createThumbnail" mock1 = getMockFile() mock1.type = 'image/jpeg' dropzone.addFile mock1 setTimeout -> dropzone.resizeImage.callCount.should.eql 0 done() , 10 it "should not use resizeImage if file is not an image", (done) -> sinon.stub dropzone, "resizeImage" sinon.stub dropzone, "createThumbnail" dropzone.options.resizeWidth = 400 mock1 = getMockFile() mock1.type = 'text/plain' dropzone.addFile mock1 setTimeout -> dropzone.resizeImage.callCount.should.eql 0 done() , 10 it "should not change the file name if the options.renameFile is not set", (done) -> mockFilename = 'T3sT ;:_-.,!¨@&%&' mockFile = getMockFile() = mockFilename renamedFilename = dropzone._renameFile mockFile renamedFilename.should.equal mockFilename done() it "should rename the file name if options.renamedFilename is set", (done) -> dropzone.options.renameFile = (file) ->[^\w]/gi, '') mockFile = getMockFile() = 'T3sT ;:_-.,!¨@&%&' renamedFilename = dropzone._renameFile mockFile renamedFilename.should.equal 't3st_' done() describe "should properly set status of file", -> it "should correctly set `withCredentials` on the xhr object", (done) -> dropzone.addFile mockFile setTimeout -> mockFile.status.should.eql Dropzone.UPLOADING requests.length.should.equal 1 requests[0].status = 400 requests[0].readyState = 4 requests[0].responseHeaders = {'content-type': "text/plain"} requests[0].onload() mockFile.status.should.eql Dropzone.ERROR mockFile = getMockFile() dropzone.addFile mockFile setTimeout -> mockFile.status.should.eql Dropzone.UPLOADING requests.length.should.equal 2 requests[1].status = 200 requests[1].readyState = 4 requests[1].responseHeaders = {'content-type': "text/plain"} requests[1].onload() mockFile.status.should.eql Dropzone.SUCCESS done() , 10 , 10 describe "complete file", -> it "should properly emit the queuecomplete event when the complete queue is finished", (done) -> mock1 = getMockFile() mock2 = getMockFile() mock3 = getMockFile() mock1.status = Dropzone.ADDED mock2.status = Dropzone.ADDED mock3.status = Dropzone.ADDED = "mock1" = "mock2" = "mock3" dropzone.uploadFiles = (files) -> setTimeout (=> @_finished files, null, null ), 1 completedFiles = 0 dropzone.on "complete", (file) -> completedFiles++ dropzone.on "queuecomplete", -> completedFiles.should.equal 3 done() dropzone.addFile mock1 dropzone.addFile mock2 dropzone.addFile mock3