# Table Select2 Filter Use Plugin: [bootstrap-table-select2-filter](https://github.com/wenzhixin/bootstrap-table/tree/master/src/extensions/select2-filter)
Dependence if you use the select2 option: [Select2](https://select2.github.io/) v4.0.0 ## Usage ```html ``` ## Options ### filter * type: Boolean * description: enabled select2 filter exetension. * default: `false` ### filterValues * type: Object * description: Set default selected value.
Example: {columnA.field.:'Column A Selected Value',columnB.field:'Column B Selected Value'} * default: `undefined` ## Column options ### filter * type: Object * description: Set filter option to configure the filter.
Example: {type:'select', data:["itemA", "itemB", "itemC"]} * type: add an `input` or `select` into the column. * data: need to set when type is `select` , filter data list. (The same as [Select2 Options](http://select2.github.io/examples.html#data)) * default: `undefined` ## Methods ### setFilterData * Set column's filter data. * Parameters * String : column field. * Object : filter data list. * Example: $table.bootstrapTable("setFilterData", "columnA.filed", ["itemA", "itemB", "itemC"]);