# Events []({{ site.repo }}/blob/develop/docs/_i18n/{{ site.lang }}/documentation/events.md) --- To use event syntax: ```js $('#table').bootstrapTable({ onEventName: function (arg1, arg2, ...) { // ... } }); $('#table').on('event-name.bs.table', function (e, arg1, arg2, ...) { // ... }); ```
Option Event jQuery Event Parameter Description
onAll all.bs.table name, args Fires when all events trigger, the parameters contain:
name: the event name,
args: the event data.
onClickRow click-row.bs.table row, $element, field Fires when user click a row, the parameters contain:
row: the record corresponding to the clicked row,
$element: the tr element,
field: the field name corresponding to the clicked cell.
onDblClickRow dbl-click-row.bs.table row, $element, field Fires when user double click a row, the parameters contain:
row: the record corresponding to the clicked row,
$element: the tr element,
field: the field name corresponding to the clicked cell.
onClickCell click-cell.bs.table field, value, row, $element Fires when user click a cell, the parameters contain:
field: the field name corresponding to the clicked cell,
value: the data value corresponding to the clicked cell,
row: the record corresponding to the clicked row,
$element: the td element.
onDblClickCell dbl-click-cell.bs.table field, value, row, $element Fires when user double click a cell, the parameters contain:
field: the field name corresponding to the clicked cell,
value: the data value corresponding to the clicked cell,
row: the record corresponding to the clicked row,
$element: the td element.
onSort sort.bs.table name, order Fires when user sort a column, the parameters contain:
name: the sort column field name
order: the sort column order.
onCheck check.bs.table row, $element Fires when user check a row, the parameters contain:
row: the record corresponding to the clicked row. $element: the DOM element checked.
onUncheck uncheck.bs.table row, $element Fires when user uncheck a row, the parameters contain:
row: the record corresponding to the clicked row. $element: the DOM element unchecked.
onCheckAll check-all.bs.table rows Fires when user check all rows, the parameters contain:
rows: array of records corresponding to newly checked rows.
onUncheckAll uncheck-all.bs.table rows Fires when user uncheck all rows, the parameters contain:
rows: array of records corresponding to previously checked rows.
onCheckSome check-some.bs.table rows Fires when user check some rows, the parameters contain:
rows: array of records corresponding to previously checked rows.
onUncheckSome uncheck-some.bs.table rows Fires when user uncheck some rows, the parameters contain:
rows: array of records corresponding to previously checked rows.
onLoadSuccess load-success.bs.table data Fires when remote data is loaded successfully.
onLoadError load-error.bs.table status, res Fires when some errors occur to load remote data.
onColumnSwitch column-switch.bs.table field, checked Fires when switch the column visible.
onColumnSearch column-search.bs.table field, text Fires when search by column.
onPageChange page-change.bs.table number, size Fires when change the page number or page size.
onSearch search.bs.table text Fires when search the table.
onToggle toggle.bs.table cardView Fires when toggle the view of table.
onPreBody pre-body.bs.table data Fires before the table body is rendered
onPostBody post-body.bs.table data Fires after the table body is rendered and available in the DOM
onPostHeader post-header.bs.table none Fires after the table header is rendered and availble in the DOM
onExpandRow expand-row.bs.table index, row, $detail Fires when click the detail icon to expand the detail view.
onCollapseRow collapse-row.bs.table index, row Fires when click the detail icon to collapse the detail view.
onRefreshOptions refresh-options.bs.table options Fires after refresh the options and before destroy and init the table
onResetView reset-view.bs.table Fires when reset view of the table.
onRefresh refresh.bs.table params Fires after the click the refresh button.